kurang tau juga udh masuk sini ato blm, kmrn gw beli online brg ama temen2 group fine dining lewat music today. lagunya emg dalem bgt: "Sometimes the sun shines on other people's houses and not mine, and the clouds paint the sky in a way that takes away my summer time" tp entah k...
iya, isinya double CD ama DVD. tp gk semua track yg ada di DVD ada di CD. kayak pas dia duet ama Bushwalla (fall through glass) di CD nya gk ada.
met gabung kang! kalo kita bikin event ikutan ya.. terakhir kita ngadain nonton brg dvd beautiful mess - live on earth.
sama.. udh lama gk nengokin. ada akun fb gk? udh ikut gabung ama groupFINE DINING with JASON MRAZ (Indonesia) blm?
here we are.. here we be. bowed together now finally.. ketemu lg gan... dulu TS Jason Mraz di DF kan?!