Permisi para suhu, ane mau tanya seputar crossfirex, ane pake AMD Radeon HD 8610G + AMD Radeon R7 M260, 2 2 nya dah kebaca di device manager dan di GPU Z, di GPU Z keterangan Crossfirenya "disabled (Crossfire avaiable)", di CCC ga ada setinggan buat enable crossfire, mohon petunjuknya s...
Supaya perusahaan rokok ga usah tanggung jawab klo pemakai rokok kena akibat memakai rokok gan Ada 4 gan
Sudah ane transfer melalui mandiri sebesar Rp 355.000\nrincian:\n\nharga = Rp. 300.000\nfee rekber = Rp 10.000\nongkir = Rp 45.000\n\nuntuk pembelian 2 unit DVD RW Lite On ihas 124-b (new)\n\n\nseller id : xS...
You are a Romantic Seme! A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfec...