siang gan.. request tesis dari UGM bisa ga? :malu: ini linknya Title:Pengaruh Credit Rating terhadap Struktur modal (Study Empiris Perusahaan Non Keuangan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2004-2008) Author : Rini Nurjayanti
permisiii, mau request nih :D Title : An Experimental Investigation of Hitchhiking Author : Peter Crasswellera, Mary Alice Gordona & W. H. Tedford Jr The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Volume 82, Issue 1, 1972
siang gan, mau minta tolong request jurnal buat tugas kuliah :malus Title : Risk, Uncertainty, and Divergence of Opinion Author : Edward M. Miller Publisher : Wiley. The Journal of Finance, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Sep., 1977), pp. 1151-1168
siang gan, mau minta tolong request jurnal buat tugas kuliah :malus Title : Risk, Uncertainty, and Divergence of Opinion Author : Edward M. Miller Publisher : Wiley. The Journal of Finance, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Sep., 1977), pp. 1151-1168
silahkan gan :) makasih banyak yaa.. sayang masih blm bisa nyendolin lg :capedes semoga sukses gan :)
selamat siang gan, mau minta tolong nih :) Title: The brand loyalty life cycle: Implications for marketers Author: Bennett, Rebekah; Rundel-Thiele, Sharyn Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan. Volume 12, Number 4, 1 April 2005 , pp. 250-263(14)
silakan gan maaf gan, blm bisa nyendolin lg, soalnya blm lama udah ane cendolin :( btw, thanks yah.. ane doain semoga rejeki lancar dan panjang umur.. :)
pagi gan, mau request nih :malus Title: Turnaround: Retrenchment and recovery Author(s): D. Keith Robbins, John A. Pearce II Publisher: Strategic Management Journal, Volume 13, Issue 4, pages 287–309, May 1992 Title: Asset Produ
Cuman no.1 dan 2 gan, ini,q7x5z544d74jupu/shared gapapa thanks gan, nanti yg no.3 ane sundul lg :D :cendols
malam agan kontributor, mau minta tolong nih :malus Title: The early stages of financial distress Author(s): Richard B. Whitaker Publisher: Journal of Economics and Finance, Summer 1999, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 123-132 Title: Development of a
silahkan gan :) thanks gan,,:D
malem gan, mau minta bantuannya..hehe Title: Organizational Causes and Strategic Consequences of the Extent of Top Management Team Replacement During Turnaround Attempts Author(s): Vincent L. Barker III, Paul W. Patterson Jr, George C. Mueller Publisher: Journal of Management Studies, Volume 38, Is
minta tolong yah :malus Title: Determinants of Financial Stress and Recovery During the Great Recession Author(s): Joshua Aizenman, Gurnain Kaur Pasricha Publisher: International Journal of Finance & Economics, Volume 17, Issue 4, pages 347–372, October 2012
permisi, mau minta bantuan :D Title: Contextual perspectives of turnaround in Malaysian firms Author: Sim A B Publisher: Asia Pacific Business Review, Apr 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 2 pp.199-216 (18 pages)
no 2 dan no 3 gan no 1 nya udah ama agan agungz.bali silahkan :) thanks gan :D