cek page sebelum sebelumnya sis....ada caranya ini momod tolong tip and trik nya di taruh page one biar yg nanya2 ngga apda bingung nyarinya uda dibahas beberapa page di bagian agak depan, gan.. Mampir aja di blog agan Nikondroid : http://nikondroid.blogspot.co.id/2015/08/coloros-21-tips-notifi
Gan, mau nanya dong.. Ane baru make Oppo R7 semingguan ini.. Nah, Oppo R7 kalo applikasi BBM blm di buka notif nya memang ga muncul ya ? Semua message ga masuk kecuali sdh di buka applikasi BBM baru pada nongol..?? Soalnya di Samsung ane, selalu muncul message BBM nya walau pas lagi ga dibuka app...
wah makin bagus aja gambar gambarnya caecilia :malu: Uhhmm.. perasaan sama aja gan.. hehehe.. :ngakak Thanks baidewei.. :kiss
Every second I spend with you Really is a dream come true. When I'm with you I feel so free I truly am as happy as can be. When I see you my heart races I could spot you in a million faces. Whenever the phone rings, Or my mobile dings I hope and pray it will be you Telling me your love is true. My
I'll never forget, The first that we met, I remember it like it was yesterday, It's stays deep in my heart, The day you found me.. #honey http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/2013/05/10/1176956_20130510060058.jpg
Every single time i go through your profile... Even though i can't see anything else other than your picture.. I still go through it... Try my hardest every time, and some how manage not to send you a message. You still make me restless.. You still make a difference in my life.. I still care.., I...