gan mau nanya nih tadi ane abis beli sabretooth dari auction, kan udah diklik buy tapi di backpack ane kok ga ada ya? mohon bantuannya
8. Lost In Sound Not everybody has a place to call their home (their home) They walk this earth with their shoulders down and faded hope (fading hope) Let's bring their faith back Let's make them believe yea what we believe (believe) We can change this We can make things alright Just ge...
1. Ashes Try to forget what I did Guilt beginning to settle in Let's not pretend that it's alright I could not stay to watch us fall apart I left you behind with nothing, no one I left myself with these wounds, this pain (and now) You are nothing but ashes left of all I once knew You ar...
agan2 penghuni trid BT sori yee tsnya lagi sibuk buat un jadi ga update2, doain yee moga2 nem ane 37 keatas:D
album barunya kayaknya masih lama nih keluarnya, banyak band yg bilang taun 2010 dirilis tapi ampe sekarang masih belom kelar:nohope
maklum dari keluarga metal ane gan:D makasih gan:shakehand setuju gan! jangan ampe segede antingnya:D