memang bener gara2 resolusi. Ane sampe belain beli monitor baru buat maen FIFA. Skrg maen di resolusi 1600x900 gambar mantap. Yg ane ga bisa, gmn cara update roster ya? Ane udah donlod yg di page one dan ikuti instruksinya (pake yg cara copy 2 file ke data/db) tp Arshavin msh di Arsenal, Anelka d...
gan ane maen pake resolusi 800x600 karena ane pake LCD TV (jd mau g mau resolusinya cmn segitu), pdhl graphic card ane kuat. Hasilnya, gambarnya g sbrp bagus, ga tajem dan agak burem gitu. Kalah jauh dibandingkan kualitas grafik game sebelah. Gimana caranya ngebagusin? Sayangnya resolusinya g bis...
gan, maaf kalau udah pernah ditanyakan sebelumnya, ane cari di page 1 kyknya juga nggak ada. grafik fifa ane kok ada putih2nya gitu ya? terutama terjadi waktu deadball (free kick, corner kick, etc.), dan scene2 semacam goal celebration. solusinya gmn gan? thx. ane udah gonta-ganti setup, vsync, d...
Thank you, gan. This is very helpful, I might use some of the words/terms you have suggested as well as rephrasing some phrases. Thanks again! :)
Tolong dikomentarin untuk 2 teks berikut, dong. Yang pasti instruksinya nggak boleh nerjemahin word-per-word dan kita harus bisa mengintrepretasi ulang material busana yang digunakan secara deskriptif untuk para audiens. Silakan diperbaiki, kalau-kalau ada yang kurang, atau istilah mode yang ngga...
Tolong dikomentarin untuk 2 teks berikut, dong. Yang pasti instruksinya nggak boleh nerjemahin word-per-word dan kita harus bisa mengintrepretasi ulang material busana yang digunakan secara deskriptif untuk para audiens. Silakan diperbaiki, kalau-kalau ada yang kurang, atau istilah mode yang ngga...
Looking for English-Chinese and English-Japanese translators to translate 500-lines worth or so for tool-tips and media. Need to get it done quickly and at affordable rates. Please come up with price and time frame asap. Contact directly. Example of strings that need to be t...
hi, after reading this post again, I just realised that 'at the bottom' meant Aussie and NZ, yes? OMG lol. Is this really true? How do you know?
Thanks for the input. However, for the sake of consistency I have to prefix all the verbs with 'me/ber' thing to make them look uniform. Is this not okay? Here's my $0.02 @myra - I agree, your translation sounds better @bryan - the reason I didn't put '35 kg' there ...
Thanks again, Ambro. This is so frustrating haha. I'm not particularly concerned about the salary but, let's face it, the standard salary in New Zealand is generally higher compared to that of Indonesia, so if I pursue this career for the sake of hobby and interest, and not gaining as ...
Pardon me for the crude, abrupt post, but you guys might love this blog:
haha yes I'm a member of that group. Thank you for your response, very insightful. However, I highly believe that those are figures that can only be earned by experienced translators, am I wrong (please tell me I am *touchwood*)? Like, by those who you've mentioned above. How about tra...
Please kindly inform if there is a university in Indonesia that specifically teaches Comparative Literature, this particular faculty interests me. Thank you!!! :)
ente salah gan, yang bener: keluar(kata kerja) ke luar(kata keterangan) Coba itu dibuka lagi buku pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia tingkat SDnya lagi. Ga perlu logika sama sekali ini :)