"I am loving you too much. I cant keep talking to someone I love too much but I cant have. It's not good for my mental health" "what do you expect? I have someone gorgeous in front of me" " Even when you eat donuts, you look cute." " Even just to watch netflix r...
Dear diary, I hate it when I just remembered it.. Waktu itu kita nonton netflix.. Filmnya Brenda Song and you just said like.. "she's like you". I was like, whattt?? You kidding? You just couldnt differ Asian people, dont you? And you just said, "no, no. She looks like you." you
Dear Diary,, Masih ingatkah kamu kisah Dewi Sandra dan Surya Saputra? Aku masih ingat, Surya dulu ingin banget Dewi menjadi lebih baik dalam hal agama sepertinya ya.. Sampai yang Dewi diajak umroh, lalu diwawancara wartawan, apakah Dewi akan selamanya pakai hijab stlh umroh. Dan dijawab Dewi, dia g