no :( it's so unfair.. women are more than men.. it does'nt mean men can marry a lot of women :( I'll kill my husband if he tries to ( in the future ) .. haha
I really do.. I hate smokers ! ( well I mean not the person) but the smell.. it's just annoying.. They think smoke can heal stressnes , make them relax-__- well that's just the beggining.. They don't think about what will happen in the next 10 years or less save your life dear somk...
Me ? besides english , I always wanted to learn mandarin and french.. But I think mandarin is too hard.. :( *sigh.. :capedes
1.Apa yang pertamakali dilihat kalo baru kenalan sama co? a.Setelan baju clana asesoris b.Bentuk tubuh(atletis,tinggi,gendut dsb) c.Model Rambut d.Cara ngomong 2.Gaya apa yang paling disukai ce pada co? a.Stelan sporty ( sneaker,jeans,polo) b.Stelan band ( kaos band jacket band ) c.Stelan anak In...