Mo ngomel dikit untuk TS. Orderan FLIP V3 nya dah sampe gan... ane culik langsung dari gudang TIKI nya tadi pagi. PAKET nya Rapi banget: Keamanan isi paket terjamin:
heheheheh.....Spring guide SOLD to ME.....pokonamah RIKOMENDID SELER lah:cendolbig:cendolbig:cendolbig:cendolbig:cendolbig
akhirnya sarung tangan mechanix nya samapi juga tadi sore, bungkus rapi, seller ramah. saya nobatkan ente :
harus nntn nie gan.... kerennn... quick reload + quick disassembling unit -K5MYDmTEUM Kerennnn.. klo yg airsoft nya bs jg aga takut sih.. klo ntr pecah susah lg cari spare nya haha..
Hi people, We are 4 chinese-Indonesian whose still studying, currently looking for one housemate to fill in the empty single room. We are sometimes noisy but we are still able to respect every individual privacy. We hardly have party at our place and honestly we avoid to do that in order to make a
MURAH TURUN HARGA MAU BALIK INDO GAN! :matabelo Halo Agan-Aganwati di SG :addfriends Ada beberapa item mau ane lepas jual neh: Ane Jual 1 Set Keyboard+Mouse S$SOLD Jual Tefal Electric Griller Gan! Ane mau lepas S$45 gan! Uda 1 taon gan ane punya neh griller. Dipake cuman 3-4 kali doank. Kondi...
Potong broooo.... dari outer barrel std, potong dan minta dibuatin ulir ccw ama tukang bubut. Pernah kok, dan berhasil. ayo bro ditunggu hasil karyanya! Aduh tatut ah Gan. Kalo gagal hancur sudah steyr nya ga ada harapan. Ga ada spare outbar sih, klo ada mungkin bs dicoba haha.. pelan2 aja deh
Yang namanya steyr dan partnya itu langka di sini. happy hunting :D Susah bgt yah cari part2 steyr :( Andai saja parts steyr sebanyak m4 ato paling ga setengah nya dari m4 haha..
Terimakasih agan2 sekalian mau berbagi ilmuu.. hehe.. Ane coba dulu deh ganti nozzle nya sama coba betulin kompresi nya.. Btw ada yg mau jual outter barrel cqb steyr ga? Hehhe
Okeii thanks sepuh2 sekaliann.. hehe Mau tanya lg tapi hehe.. klo itu ada di fjb yg deep fire metal nozzle for aug, uda air sealed blom yah? Yg jual nya jg ga yakin uda o-ring blom dlm nya.. Yg di maksud agan wahyudi karet merah ajib yg itu yah? Deep fire metal nozzle for aug?
salken juga, welcome to the club bro :shakehand2 biar maksimal? pake inbar tight ama benerin kompresi. sesuain ukuran silinder, volume silinder = volume piston. volume silinder kebesaran -> akurasi ngaco. kekecilan -> fps letoy. cmiiw ye, ane bukan tuner soalnye :D jangan dijual bro, unit l
Hallo agan-agan sepuh2 sekalian salam kenal hehe.. Misi numpang nanya klo bole..kan klo inbar steyr kan uda panjang bgt.. klo biar memaksimalkan keuntungan panjang inbar supaya range dan akurasi bgs perlu apa aja yg di upgrade yah? Ane newbie sih klo maju takut mundur ga bs heheh..Oh btw ane puny
MURAH TURUN HARGA MAU BALIK INDO GAN! :matabelo Halo Agan-Aganwati di SG :addfriends Ada beberapa item mau ane lepas jual neh: Ane Jual 1 Set Keyboard+Mouse S$SOLD, Foto nya neh gan: Website buat detail nya gan: Jual Te...
Hi people, We are 4 chinese-Indonesian whose still studying, currently looking for one housemate to fill in the empty single room. We are sometimes noisy but we are still able to respect every individual privacy. We hardly have party at our place and honestly we avoid to do that in order to make a
Hi people, We are 4 chinese-Indonesian whose still studying, currently looking for one housemate to fill in the empty single room. We are sometimes noisy but we are still able to respect every individual privacy. We hardly have party at our place and honestly we avoid to do that in order to make a