Hoax https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theories_in_the_Arab_world Conspiracy theorists in the Arab world have claimed that ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is in fact an Israeli Mossad agent and actor called Simon Elliot. The rumors claim that NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal...
Lah katanya meledak..? Emang masih ada jasadnya? :bingung Buat referensi aja, jasad pengebom bunuh diri di mapolres poso https://thumb.viva.co.id/media/frontend/thumbs3/2013/06/03/208069_teroris-poso_665_374.jpg https://www.viva.co.id/indepth/fokus/418016-pengebom-bunuh-diri-di-mapolres-poso-teror