Dodi Bagus Jonathan Hutabarat aka baratbarat .. udahlah cukup gak usah diperpanjang lagi. Nama lu udah tersebar di dunia maya, kasihan lu juga kalo perusahaan lu selanjutnya baca terus tahu lu pernah menjelek2kan perusahan lu sebelumnya apalagi sekelas BEI.
Permisi agan2 sekalian, mau minta rekomendasi untuk pc gaming (fifa 17, overwatch, dota2, dll). Budget 6-7 juta. Kemarin sudah coba bikin spec kayak gini : cpu : intel i5 4460 mobo : gigabyte GA-H97M-D3H ram : corsair (2x4GB) vengeance black hdd : seagate 1 TB 7200rpm psu : enermax - EMP 500AGT c...
Hari/ Tanggal: SABTU, 18 OKTOBER 2014 Shift: SHIFT 2 Jam: 11.00 WIB Ruang: RUANG KULIAH B Gedung GEDUNG GRAHA WICAKSANA, LEMBAGA ADMINISTRASI NEGARA Lokasi Tes JL. ADMINISTRASI II (PEJOMPONGAN TANAH ABANG) JAKARTA PUSAT Ada yang barengan ga sama ane?? :matabelo ane yg shift 1 nya gan, s
gan kalo transkip nilai belum keluar gimana ya? :sorry yg lolos pake SKL udah ada transkrip nilainya memang?
PT. Prawathiya Karsa Pradiptha Cibubur Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi yang berfokus pada ERP solutions, Cloud Computing, Technical Support Services dan Training membutuhkan segera untuk posisi-posisi sebagai berikut : 1. Staff Administrasi Kualifikasi : - Wanita, max.
URGENTLY REQUIRED Koperasi Sehati Koperasi Sehati is one of the growth finance company in Indonesia. Running with the fast and growth business, we are looking for a person who is ready to get a new challenge, ready to develop their potential, shown up their creativity and also have a strong committ
URGENTLY REQUIRED PT Prawathiya Karsa Pradiptha An IT Company that focus with ERP Solutions, Cloud Computing, Technical Support Services and Training. We provide and implement IT solution to our client. Currently we are looking for an energetic, self-motivated, results oriented and innovative per...
URGENTLY REQUIRED PT Prawathiya Karsa Pradiptha An IT Company that focus with ERP Solutions, Cloud Computing, Technical Support Services and Training. We provide and implement IT solution to our client. Currently we are looking for an energetic, self-motivated, results oriented and innovative per...