nah kebetulan nih ada yang posting. dan Sialnya juga saya ga baca ini thread. Baru order PBN di seoblank 6 Januari 2020 . Dijanjiin 4 hari paling lambat, tapi sampai sekarang ga ada respon / report atau apapun itu. WA ****-3488-876 pun ga ada reply, tapi ada last online setelah saya kirim chat .
Hello . this thread still active ? want to ask about designation Job offer for AIPP or express entry . im planning to move canada or atlantic region. and the first step one i need to find Job offer first. Is it possible if employer want hire foreigner for work there as waiter etc. ? im not plannin
Hello . this thread still active ? want to ask about designation Job offer for AIPP or express entry . im planning to move canada or atlantic region. and the first step one i need to find Job offer first.