In this essay I will review about the film "Hotel Mumbai" that directed by Anthony Maras. It is adopter by true story/tragedy atau 2008 in Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and release on 2018. The director is opener this film with familiarizes us with the players. Starting with the 8 boys as the ...
I used to live here once is one of creation by Jean Rhys. Jean use the third perspective to describe the character in her short story. This short story is tell about someone journey. It is starting from all of her mind. Like in the first line-first alinea "she was standing by the river and l...
In this time I wanti to try to review one of Rupi Kaur's poem "I need someone". This poem is consistent of one stanza and 13 lines. I'm so interested when the first I read this poem. Rupi Kaur wote the poem in simple word but it's soulful. Every one can be easy to understand and feel wh...