Hotel Mumbai is a film directed by Anthony Maras based from true story of a terrorist attack in the city of Mumbai, India in 2008. Many social issues contained in this film such as racism, economics, and religion. The story begins with a number of young men on a boat to Mumbai in India. Then they...
I Used To Live Here Once is a short story by Jean Rhys which tells about a memory of the main character who is didn’t realize that she is in a coma or she has died. Honestly when I read it for the first time, I didn’t understand what really happened in the main character in the story. I was a...
Literary appreciation of the poem by Rupi Kaur What terrifies me most is how we Foam at the mouth with envy When others succeed But sigh in relief When they are failing Our struggle to Celebrate each other is What’s proven most difficult In being human - Rupi Kaur Rupi Kaur born in Punjab, Indi...
Literary Appreciation “ The Fault In Our Stars “ Movie I appreciate the movie “ The Fault In Our Stars ( TFIOS ) “ directed by Josh Boone. The film is adapted from the popular novel by John Green of the same title by 20th Century Fox. The story is presented in a reasonable manner without ...