Side of human life in the film HOTEL MUBAI Terrorism often becomes something terrible. This action is usually carried out and many casualties. In 2019 a terrorism film adapted from a true story in 2008 at the Hotel Taj, Mumbai, India. This film raises the interesting side of human life...
< Human memory in “I used to live here” by Jean Rhys short story Humans have memories in the past as the brain functions, to be able to record traces when getting sweet or bitter memories. These memories also can be retold when someone is an adult or is alone and remembers the mem...
Dissecting poetry a simple math by Rupi Kaur Poetry is often to express the anxiety of its writers. Here I will explore a work from modern poet from Canada. She is Rupi Kaur. A young Instapoet and many of his works are posted on Instagram. Her works was impressed by the reader because it contain...
Picture Book. Picture book is a book contains pictures and it has few sentence. The picture book usually used by parents to tell the story or tell the picture that be in the book to their children. In the picture book also there are several short sentence to explain what happened on th...
Picture Book. Picture book is a book contains pictures and it has few sentence. The picture book usually used by parents to tell the story or tell the picture that be in the book to their children. In the picture book also there are several short sentence to explain what happened on the pictur...