IGN : FuTama ikut meramaikan midgard ahahahaha IGN : Marico ikutan dong IGN : Helz numpang join gan~ Done ya guys.. Silakan di claim di npc reward ya
Bom poring event Time : 11-12-2019 10.30pm (GMT +7) Palace : Maintown Rule : use novice lv 1 & weight 0 Reward : cp @100k for 3 lucky winner Participation : cp @20k
Clover Ragnarok MVP Weekly Event!! RANK I : 1pcs C. Black khalizburg Knight Helm + premium Clover coin 10pcs + 1pcs vip 7day RANK II : 2pcs December box + 5pcs premium Clover coin + 1pcs vip tickets 3day RANK III : 1pcs December box + 3pcs premium Clover coin + 1pcs vip tickets 1day Event start
https://www.facebook.com/100803551289171/posts/159584878744371/ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=159575988745260&id=100803551289171 https://www.facebook.com/100803551289171/posts/159580412078151/
Good days Clover's 🍀 War information for this Friday Castle : vidbrainn Castle (schg_cas03) Time :29-11-2019, 9-10pm (GMT +7) Reward winning Castle : November box for all member Participation guild : ransum : Wsp & bp = 1k Acid set = 200 set Edp =50pcs Speed pot =100pcs We hope all of yo
Event Catch Pet! Time : 27-11-2019 10pm (GMT +7) Palace : Maintown (harboro) Reward : costume virgo crown + cp 10k for 2 lucky winner Participation : 30pcs Clover coin Have fun Clovers ^^
Lucky DICE Event time:10pm 26-11-2019 place:Maintown (harboro) prize: costume devil feather cap for 2 lucky winner Participation : vip tiket 1 day rules: 1. there will be 2 people playing at the same time 2. use command and whoever get the biggest number advances to the next round 3. have fun
Peserta event cvc ign nya sebagai berikut: Amri curvasud Champion junior Jeck Nikotin Barbar Snap HatreD Arsy AjahnBramh Lengogas Harap kumpul di Maintown jam 10 malem nanti ya guys.