Member lain nya bagaimana setelah scam? Diam aja atau nuntut upline nya bertanggung jawab. Dulu waktu buat video youtube nya bener2 meyakinkan. Seorang motivator menyarankan money Yang jadi korban, apa plan lanjutnya?
World Way Capital is the epitome of manipulation and fraud in the online investment sector. They have done their best to snub any content which might discourage the investors to work with them, but the fact remains the same. Looking at the way they are currently structured, they will go down in the
Mia per tanggal 4 June yang lalu sudah benar2 scam. Jadi nasib para member bagaimana? Apakah akan banyak yang bunuh diri? Bisa kah member menuntut ke pada upline nya?