Society Ragnarok has a fresh concept with full renewal system. Created for entertainment and having fun with your friend or other people. We also provide 2500x/2500x/custom drop rate, game guard protection, instances, and lots of un Stuck di Acolyte High Gan , ga bisa ganti job gmn solusinya ? Sudah solved ya problemnya, kalau ada error atau bug lagi tolong ditanyakan di discord grup. Terima kasih xD ign : RinN Done kaskus reward, please check RODEX to you: Ri
Mantap Servernya Moga Betah saya IGN Ilyasviel Von Einzbern IGN : BaliBagoes gencar promosi biar rame bung ijin Absen Nick : Zippel Semoga gamenya tambah Rame <3 IGN: John Wick Waiting for my reward. Nice server but getting some item for quest might hard for people who's busy. Absen kk Ni
mau rewardnya dong IGN : Ruineth sekalian mau tanya, klo farming gold dimana ya? :bingung Done ya kaskus reward, harap cek RODEX untuk kamu: Ruineth hehe mantap! Untuk farming zeny itu di Mining Site , jual aja barang2 dropan nya hehe xD :thumbup Society Ragnarok has a fresh concept with full renewal system. Created for entertainment and having fun with your friend or other people. We also provide 2500x/2500x/custom drop rate, game guard protection, instances, and lots of un
Absen IGN : Iocs mau claim dong kk IGN : IpManKatanya Done ya kaskus reward, harap cek RODEX untuk kamu: locs IpManKatanya mantapp gan hehe :wagelaseh Society Ragnarok has a fresh concept with full renewal system. Created for entertainment and having fun with your friend or other people. We also provide 2500x/2500x/custom drop rate, game guard protection, instances, and lots of uni
bikin event yang bs di menangkan orang banyak juga donk,mau bikin equip terhalang di coin aja.disguise kalah sama player lama yang hafal sebagian namanya,poring catcher ga setiap waktu dan juga blm tentu bisa menang karena banyak player juga Halo kak, untuk Society Coin kita menyediakan di Mining S
Joss server barunya, pasti seru nih :)) IGN : Lumierce IGN : Dubary Done ya kaskus reward, mohon di cek RODEX nya untuk kamu: Lumierce Dubary hehe mantul~ :hansip
IGN : Catherine Medici btw MTnya sampai jam berapa yak ??? server ke 3 yg gw mainin semoga rame wkkw xD IGN: CadisEtramaD IGN: Sicily IGN: CeciliaAlcott Kaskus reward min xD Claim reward kaskus IGN : Ubed Halo semua, done ya untuk Kaskus Reward dan harap cek RODEX untuk kalian: Catherine M
Announcement Server is still on under maintenance for some updates. ETA is unknown. We will back with announcement with new updates and change logs. ps: Garrison Mission and Exotic Seller /lv Be patient guys, it's still a fix because there will be some interesting new updates. This maintenance wil
IGN : Catherine Medici btw MTnya sampai jam berapa yak ??? lagi maintenance ya? barusan selesai download mau coba maen, server closed pula :D MT 2 hari berturut2 dan ga ada pemberitahuan gan, kayaknya adminnya kurang pengertian sm playernya neh Halo kak, maaf telat pemberitahuan. Kami sudah memb
Society Ragnarok has a fresh concept with full renewal system. Created for entertainment and having fun with your friend or other people. We also provide 2500x/2500x/custom drop rate, game guard protection, instances, and lots of unique quest that already prepared for our player. Server Informat...
bro GM, saya mau maen nih, tetapi kok error ya? apakah ada solusi? itu download full client atau lite client kak? windows nya versi berapa?
IGN : Ares Prionote Eliter RO yang unch unch, ditunggu reward kaskus dan FBnya Mantab, udah dijajah sama temen-temen ane wkwkwk, seru sih bisa ngumpul lagi ama temen2 main RO IGN: Zarkhaeva IGN : chrised Done ya kaskus reward, cek RODEX untuk kamu: Ares Prionote Eliter Zarkhaeva chrised manta
da lama ga nyoba ro, ramein yuu IGN : MamangKesbor absen dulu gan IGN : kiel IGN: Rathalos server baru nih mantep bagi yg mau pvp/woe balance ini server mantep dah sukses gan IGN: NyamnyaM Done ya kaskus reward cek RODEX untuk kamu: MamangKesbor kiel NyamnyaM Rathalos mantap hehe~ :cendolgan
ING : Monkey D Luffy Di tunggu rewardnya yahh IGN : Starlord ramein gann IGN : Oberyn Done, kaskus reward cek RODEX ya untuk kamu: Monkey D Luffy Starlord Oberyn (done trade mantap kak hehe :cendolgan