Come on, fight:ngakak I dont wanna fight her. To be honest, I’m amazed of her effort to make me post with my another ID.. :ngakak
Keep summoning until the competition is over :lehuga Why yu du dis? The post number is already beautiful.. :mewek
well, well.. i think i know how to make momod break his 15k post to be 15001 :lehuga Whattt??? Who summoned it? What happen when I dont reply back. :mewek
Oh my god... “We” :wkwkwk Yeah, what’s wrong with we? goonerettekw and have the chance too. :malu:
Oh, you cheat Using your second account and third account and fourth account Fuck, how I can win this competion We dont do accumulations. So my clone will still start from the beginning. :recsel
:wakaka reigning champion put down his title :wow > to his contender :1thumbup It does sound defeating when you put it that way.. :mewek
that's the dilemma :D > how about work on the prime again until it reaches another "fixed number" like 20K perhaps? :ngacir2 That would take years to complete. It took years for me to post from 10K to 15K. I guess post-junking has never really been my nature. :o I decide to use this
Apparently, my primary ID has been led by erwaleste on the junking race. It's time to pull it out. :ngakaks
Hello masters, I would like to post my song lyric. It's a children song. I uploaded the video on my youtube channel already but I would like to put an English subtitle on it. I translated it already but I'm not convince at it and I need to get it revised by the masters. Please supervise my transl...
he still moderator right? :nohope: He’s just gone out of thin air. :linux2: hm, what power? :D Yeah, indeed. That’s the question.. What power does he have now? :metal Muahahaha :cool:
alright... this is funny :ngakak ========= btw thanks mod (uda padel ) for the plus :mad He does no longer have power here.. :metal Wahahahaha :cool: