belum nyoba jg, tuh di #belumNyobaSih :) but setelah coba baca2x lagi, and liat dari beberapa reference, gcam versi diatas itu "Especially the porting of GCam for Mi 8 and POCOPHONE F1, works exclusively with the Android version of 9 Pie, then also on MIUI 10 based on the latest release of the
iya, jadi di allow untuk menampilkan notifikasi, dari screenshot yang di post dah benar sih itu screenshot sebelum atau sesudah diubah ?
Gan kalo mau ngesilent bunyi kamera di whatsapp dan instagram gimana ya , padahal udah masuk mode silent tapi tetep bunyi juga Dari setting tidak ada, karena untuk beberapa negara yang mengharuskan ada bunyi, tujuannya untuk priv
tips & trick: tujuannya mau copy file dari pc/laptop langsung ke external storage hp via usb cable (atau sebaliknya) jadi dah install mi suite, dan update jg usb drivers terbaru (nyoba beberapa driver usb juga) but somehow, waktu di colok ke pc (windows 8), and udah jg ubah settingan di hp (
If fortune smiles upon original Galaxy Note owners, there's a good chance of finding an Android 4.1 update before year's end. Rather than just the usual suspects like Google Now, however, a recently leaked software build suggests that Samsung's original smartphone / tablet may receive some of the...
Now that Samsung has commenced beaming Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean OTA toward deserving Galaxy S III customers, it's announced a raft of other devices set to receive the buttery OS in the near future. On the list are the Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and 10.1, Galaxy Note 10.1, Galaxy S II, Galaxy Note, Gal...
We thought it might be handy for you guys to have a list of all the devices that are currently known to be getting the Android 4.1/Jelly Bean update, from various manufacturers. This list may not be all-inclusive, so if you get more info, add it to this thread. We will keep a running tally, and u...
CyanogenMod 10 - Official Preview KNOWN ISSUES - FMradio doesn't work - CM10 is not ready - Not butter smooth but still nice sisanya baca di sini