Maaf lambat reply gan. Sekarang sudah tukar ke ROSEA telah ditembak jatuh menggunakan copyright claim oleh Extreme Electronic, EXE Thailand dan Gravity Korea.
Also just want to share this, since no more ROSEA fb support group. RAGNAROK ONLINE SEA IMPORTANT INTERNAL NOTICE 22082018 Please share these links for those havent join here yet. TQ 1. FOR THOSE HAVE DISCORD BUT STILL DIDN'T JOIN ROSEA DISCORD YET PLEASE DO IT NOW LINK:
Gais, check it out, new content is added in U11. Last i reply in this thread in july, but i didnt get any email notification 😭😭😭 only just now got email notification from epidote reply. i think i already set to notify everything in notification setting. lol RAGNAROKSEA MAJOR UPDATE11
Gan, cara buka vendingan yg utk beli itu pake item apa namanya? Bisa beli di mana? Cash item apa bukan? Seumur2 blm pernah pake nih item.. Lalu bisa pake command autotrade ga waktu vending beli? bisa beli di alberta mas, di merchant guild, hanya guna zeny mas npc > albertan_in 58 51
Guys, mohon give your suggestion and input for ROSEA daily login rewards. Your cooperation is highly appreciated :) ROSEA 2018 Daily Login Rewards Suggestion
Everyone, please do give your suggestion in this post for Daily Login Reward for incoming Client 2018. RagnaSEA post
In ROSEA, everyone can craft their own headgear instead buying using cash point, below is the link for Headgear Quest: ROSEA Headgear Quest in RagnaSEA WiKi Jangan lupa join Official Discord Ragnarok SEA for latest announcement and also engange...