Man of Steel or in bahasa : Manusia Baja One of my best creation. Some might say it's Masterpiece and placed it alongside Pulp fiction, Godfather, Shawshank Redemption. I remember one morning in 2013. Three little bird pitch by my doorstep, told me that a lot of people calling this an instant cla...
The Last Fricking Jedi The one movie that destroy the entire saga. This whole Star Wars saga to me is like Death Star. And those little thermal exhaust port is this movie. And Rian Johnson is Luke skywalker that fire the proton torpedoes that trigger the chain reaction to destroy Death Star (whol...
Brie Larson is Capt. Marvel(er) Ahh that sweet innocence face of Brie. It remind me, when the two of us share the same backseat on my lovely 1967 Pontiac firebird. Under the pale moonlight, mountain breeze, smell of your cheap perfume. Those days are gone my sweet child o'mine
Predator My old friend. I hope shane black do justice to this movie. We will not forget Iron man 3 - Rubbish
Hi, Sir.... Hahahaha You're damn right. Well everyone make mistake. And everyone also have that one regret that he/she never forget. Well my biggest mistake and regret was giving my precious child Justice League to low to mid lev
thats you call a meaning of life scene. that is tottaly shit dude. Ahhh i'm sorry i missed your post mate. Too much for christopher nolan i suppose?? I have high hopes on you. And you prove me wrong. When you direct inception i'm really envy you. Original idea, unbelievable world wrapping, great...
Not me Not me? What the F Are you trying to tell me. Your hand did this by it self? Just l
Hello marvel(er) I just can't hold it no more. I'm just want to tell you this movie is really are a mediocre movie. Russo did a great job. But certainly this was not his best.
Crap. This is what i told you guys in other threads. Brain cancer people don't know jack shit behind this scene so enomoursly apprehensive. Ahh I miss good old times
I'm sorry for my lack choice of words. But what in the fucking hell is this bloody motherfucker god damn shit. Sir i.macintosh why are you keep photoshop my pics. I ain't got a problem with you mate. Holy bloody mother arse. Why there's a pics of me holding ten commandments. This is blapshemy m...
Hello old man. Just quit it already steve. No offense but you don't produce original idea no more. You just slap a new title with your two decade classic title and add number 2 or 3. Hire new "popular" actor/actress, add chessy joke, reboot franchise. Sell it. Man that some lazy money....
Best regard for Thread Starter lckwijaya As you know Zack Snyder is fired in middle of Justice League production because according to WB board , the movie is unwatchable. So WB hired me to fixed what zack destroyed. And you say i am failed director because age of ultron? Age of ultron have better...
What the actual F? Sok2 nggak ngerti bahasa indo lagi He means you need to verify your ID so pepole here will know that you are the legit Zack Snyder and not a fake Tuh udah gw translate ditunggu verifikasinya :lehuga I strongly suggest never use the F word brother. Before i'm make up my mind t
Mere words cannot fully express the remorse I feel for this picture. Because i am not and never will be a God. So please. On behalf of people of kaskus. I address you to delete this edit picture of me. We are civillized people. This is unacceptable. Because im just human being. And this picture ...
Hello people of kaskus. I am zack snyder. First of all, i would like to express my greatest thanks and appreciation for dedication and contribution to ickwijaya. And i am most thankful to all of you and your love, care and support. It means the world to me. I am touched and ever so thankful. Let t