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Mozambique: Muslim buru Kristen "pintu ke pintu"
Mozambique: Muslims hunt Christians door-to-door

Ringkasan: Ya, gak salah bro, ini kejadian di Mozambique, Afrika. Pemberontak di Mozambiq yg ingin mendirikan kilafah seperti ISIS, mendatangi rumah2 org dan menanyakan apakah dia Kristen atau Muslim, bila kristen akan di tembak dan apabila mengaku Muslim di beri kesempatan melafalkan ayat2 Quran sebagai bukti utk menyelamatkan nyawanya.

This is reminiscent of other incidents, including when a Muslim in Minnesota asked mall shoppers if they were Muslim and then stabbed non-Muslims. In the Philippines in February 2019, Muslims murdered a man for failing to recite Qur’an verses, while releasing six others who could recite them. In Mali, Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” took hostages, freeing those who could recite the Qur’an. In September 2013 at Nairobi’s Westgate Mall, Muslims murdered people who couldn’t answer questions about Islam. In June 2014, Muslims murdered people who could not pass an Islam quiz. In November 2014, Muslims murdered 28 non-Muslims who couldn’t recite Qur’an verses. In April 2015, Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” stormed Garissa University College, and only shot those who couldn’t recite Qur’an. In a Bangladesh restaurant in July 2016, the jihadis spared those who could recite from the Qur’an. In July 2017 in Kenya, Muslims asked Christians to “recite Islamic dogmas” and murdered them when they couldn’t do so. In May 2018 in Belgium, a Muslim who murdered four people told a hostage that he wouldn’t harm her since she was Muslim and was observing the Ramadan fast. In September 2018 in Kenya, Muslims murdered two non-Muslims for failing to recite the Qur’an.
Mozambique: Muslim buru Kristen "pintu ke pintu"
“Mozambique Insurgents hunt Christians door-to-door,” by Kevin Zeller, Mission Network News, June 28, 2021:
…Since 2017, fighting in Mozambique has displaced around 800,000 people.
Todd Nettleton of The Voice of the Martyrs USA says insurgents have often targeted Christians. “They say their goal is to set up a caliphate similar to ISIS in Iraq and Syria. And they are in some cases, literally going door to door. They ask, ‘Are you a Christian? Or are you a Muslim?’ If you’re a Christian, you’re killed. If you’re a Muslim, then you get the opportunity to quote some Quranic verses. And if you can quote them sufficiently, you save your life. Otherwise, you also get killed.”

Sumber Jihad Watch

Jihad watch mencatat semua kegiatan teror, pembunuhan, rudapaksaan, penculikan, pengrusakan properti yg di lakukan oleh Islamist.
Berikut salah satu video unik catatan di 2020, anda akan juling saking banyaknya

Diubah oleh orderic 30-06-2021 03:00
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