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Update! Jerman: Muslim Pengancam Meneriakan 'Allahu Akbar' Terdakwa Serangan Seksual
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Muslim berpisau teriak ‘Allahu akbar’ ancam pemotor, serang polisi, motif ‘?’

Germany: Muslim migrant who threatened people with knife while screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ was convicted sex offender

Ringkasan: Muslim bersenjata pisau dan teriak 'Allahu Akbar' yg ditembak mati polisi bulan lalu terungkap merupakan terdakwa serangan seksual, namun dalam peninjauan kembali hukuman 20 bulan penjara di tangguhkan sehingga pelaku bebas. Pelaku mengidap HIV positif.

“The man was sentenced to 20 months in prison on appeal in October 2020.,” but the sentence was suspended, so Omar K. was free.
If German authorities understood the assumptions and ideology behind sexual assault and rape committed by Muslim migrants, and the jihad imperative in general, Omar K. would likely have never have been free to attack police officers, and would be alive today. He would probably not, however, be in Germany, as it would be understood that Germany had no moral obligation to take in people who had no interest in adopting German values and becoming loyal members of German society.
Update! Jerman: Muslim Pengancam Meneriakan 'Allahu Akbar' Terdakwa Serangan Seksual
An update on this story. “Person killed in police operation was convicted sex offender,” translated from “Bei Polizeieinsatz Getöteter war verurteilter Sexualstraftäter,” by Denis Fengler, Welt, June 7, 2021 (thanks to Medforth):
The 36-year-old Lebanese man Omar K., who was killed in a police operation in Winterhude at the end of May, is said to have been a convicted sex offender. This was reported by the “Bild” newspaper. K. is said to have tried to abuse a 23-year-old in Ellerbek (Pinneberg district) in November 2019. The Russian au pair, however, resisted and bit off the tip of the little finger of the right hand of the perpetrator. This was later secured at the scene of the crime, and Omar K. was convicted.
According to the “Hamburger Abendblatt,” the HIV-positive perpetrator was arrested on November 5, 2019 after an anonymous tip from the UKE, where he was being treated for the injury. There he is said to have initially claimed to have severed his fingertip in a hand blender. A DNA analysis later showed that the fingertip seized at the crime scene belonged to Omar K.
The man was sentenced to 20 months in prison on appeal in October 2020. The Itzehoe district court, however, suspended the serving of the sentence on probation in the second instance. He had previously confessed to the sexual motivation of the act. He was convicted of severe sexual assault. The arrest warrant against the Lebanese man, which had been in place since November 6, 2019, was lifted after almost eleven months.
Background of the fact still unclear
On May 28, Omar K. threatened several passers-by and cyclists with a knife. He is said to have shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”). During the subsequent police operation, the 36-year-old was killed by a police operation with seven shots after he also attacked police officers with the knife. A special task force had previously tried to stop the man by other means, including the use of so-called tasers.
So far it is unclear what the 36-year-old’s motives were. In the course of the investigation, it will be checked whether he acted for religious reasons or was in an exceptional psychological situation, the police said. Omar K. is said to have had drug problems and has lived in a refugee shelter for the past few months.
According to the “Hamburger Morgenpost” (Mopo), which published an eyewitness video on Tuesday showing the police operation, Omar K. is said to have been depressed, among other things because he was not allowed to see his daughter, and is said to have struggled with drug problems. The paper is relying on statements made by acquaintances of the man. Omar K. is also said to have been in prison for violating the right of residence.

Jihad Watch

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