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Report "Penjualan Batu Bara secara Retail - Prov.JATIM"
Uraian berikut adalah merupakan hasil penelusuran mengenai penjualan batu bara secara retail , yang ternyata tidak hanya identik dengan pengusaha-pengusaha bermodal besar, namun bisa juga dilakukan oleh para enterpreneur dengan modal pas-pasan dan bahkan juga oleh pemula.

1. Pembagian Klasifikasi
Dalam pembagian jenis dan mutu batu bara biasanya ditentukan melalui nilai GAR atau ADB atau yang lebih dikenal secara umum
sebagai Kalori. Semakin tinggi nilainya menunjukkan kelas dan mutu batu bara tersebut semakin bagus, namun sebenarnya bukan
hanya nilai Kalori tersebut yang menjadi patokan, tapi nilai patokan lainnya juga menjadi acuan, seperti nilai HGI, Moisture, dan
lain-lainnya. Sample batu bara diambil secara random lalu diberikan kepada independent lab. Ataupun factory lab.

Untuk pasar Jawa Timur sendiri pembagian batu bara diklasifikasikan dalam 3 hal , yaitu :
a. Kalori Tinggi disingkat KT, ADB 6100 up
b. Kalori Medium /Middle disingkat KM, ADB 5500-5800
c. Kalori Rendah disingkat KR, < ADB 5500

Nah, untuk KT sendiri ada juga yang dikenal dengan KT murni dan kemudian ada juga istilah KT Banci, yaitu yang tidak sampai
menyentuh ADB 6100, namun memiliki karakteristik warna yang bagus, dalam kisaran 5700-6000.

2. Ukuran dan Bentuk
Permintaan dari Pabrik/Konsumen batu bara terbagi-bagi sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing yang dicocokkan dengan boiler pabrik , yaitu sebagai berikut :
a. Ukuran Batu Bara yang acak atau dikenal dengan nama Asalan
b. Ukuran Batu Bara yang besar-besar
c. Ukuran Batu Bara yang terperinci , contoh ukuran 10-50 mm atau dikenal dengan istilah Crusher
d. Ukuran Batu Bara yang halus-halus, contoh ukuran 5-10 mm atau seperti butiran pasir yang dikenal dengan istilah Halusan

3. Cara Pengiriman dan Packing
Pengiriman ke Pabrik sangat tergantung kepada permintaan dari Konsumen, ada 2 jenis yang diminta oleh masing-masing pabrik, yaitu secara loss (tanpa packing) dan ini biasanya menggunakan dump truck dimana batu bara tersebut dimuat langsung oleh wheel loader tanpa dipacking apapun dan kemudian diatas dump truck tersebut ditutup terpal untuk mencegah debu beterbangan.
Satu lagi adalah permintaan dimana batu bara tersebut telah dipacking secara karungan – biasanya menggunakan karung ukuran 50 kg.

4. Quantity Pemakaian
Quantity pemakaian batu bara ditentukan oleh jenis dan kapasitas Boiler yang digunakan oleh Pabrik. Berikut terlampir beberapa pabrik dengan kapasitas dan boiler merk “ALSTOM” – silahkan Anda nilai sendiri besarnya kapasitas Batu Bara yang diminta oleh pabrikan yang berada di Jawa Timur.


Wings aka Mie Sedap
9 unit of 21 mt/hour

per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 21 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 71186.44068 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 9 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 640677.9661 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 19,220,338.98 kg
Tonnage 19,220.34 MT

PT. Vima Mulia - Pasuruan / 1 unit Alstom 6.75 tons.
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 6.75 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 22881.35593 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 22881.35593 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 686,440.68 kg
Tonnage 686.44 MT

PT. Surindo Teguh - Gresik / 6 unit Alstom 3.2 tons.
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 3.2 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 10847.45763 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 6 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 65084.74576 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,952,542.37 kg
Tonnage 1,952.54 MT

PT. Cheil Jedang - Jombang /5 unit Alstom 21 tons + 1 unit Alstom
> 10 ton

per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 115 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 389830.5085 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 389830.5085 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 11,694,915.25 kg
Tonnage 11,694.92 MT

PT. SMART - Surabay / 2 unit Alstom 21 tons.
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 21 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 71186.44068 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 2 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 142372.8814 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 4,271,186.44 kg
Tonnage 4,271.19 MT

PT. Agel Langgeng - Pasuruan / 1 unit Alstom 6.75 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 6.75 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 22881.35593 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 22881.35593 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 686,440.68 kg
Tonnage 686.44 MT

PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama - Surabaya / 2 unit Alstom 16 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 16 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 54237.28814 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 2 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 108474.5763 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 3,254,237.29 kg
Tonnage 3,254.24 MT

PT. Kedawung - Surabaya / 1 unit Alstom 6.75 tons + 1 Unit Alstom 10
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 16.75 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 56779.66102 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 56779.66102 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,703,389.83 kg
Tonnage 1,703.39 MT

PT. Primabox - Pandaan / 1 unit Alstom 3.2 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 3.2 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 10847.45763 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 10847.45763 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 325,423.73 kg
Tonnage 325.42 MT

PT. New Minatex - Lawang / 1 unit Alstom 10 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 10 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 33898.30508 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 33898.30508 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,016,949.15 kg
Tonnage 1,016.95 MT

PT. Indolakto - Purwosari / 2 unit Alstom 10 ton + 1 unit Alstom 16

per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 36 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 122033.8983 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 122033.8983 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 3,661,016.95 kg
Tonnage 3,661.02 MT

PT. Kecap Sawi - Kediri / 1 unit Alstom 10 ton
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 10 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 33898.30508 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 33898.30508 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,016,949.15 kg
Tonnage 1,016.95 MT

PT. Suritani Japfa Comfeed - Gresik / 1 unit Alstom 10 ton
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 10 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 33898.30508 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 33898.30508 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,016,949.15 kg
Tonnage 1,016.95 MT

PT. Sinar Indah kencana " Grand Elephand" / 1 unit Alstom 10 ton.
Per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 10 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 33898.30508 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 33898.30508 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,016,949.15 kg
Tonnage 1,016.95 MT

PT. Surabaya Kencana - Pasuruan
6.75 Tons = 1 unit & 10.5 tons = 1 unit
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 17.25 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 58474.57627 kg
Total Unit Boiler 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 58474.57627 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,754,237.29 kg
Tonnage 1,754.24 MT

PT. Miwon - Gresik / 2 unit Alstom 21 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 21 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 71186.44068 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 2 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 142372.8814 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 4,271,186.44 kg
Tonnage 4,271.19 MT

PT. Eratex - Probolinggo / 1 unit Alstom 16 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 16 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 54237.28814 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 54237.28814 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,627,118.64 kg
Tonnage 1,627.12 MT

PT. Sinar Pangan - Pasuruan / 2 unit Alstom 3.2 tons + 1 unit10 tons + 1 unit 16 tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 32.4 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 109830.5085 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 109830.5085 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 3,294,915.25 kg
Tonnage 3,294.92 MT

PT. Hasil Abadi - Surabay / 1 unit Alstom 10 tons + 1 unit Alstom 16 Tons
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 26 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 88135.59322 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 88135.59322 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 2,644,067.80 kg
Tonnage 2,644.07 MT

PT. BKP - Gresik / 1 unit Alstom 21 tons + 1 unit Alstom 10 ton.
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 31 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 105084.7458 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 105084.7458 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 3,152,542.37 kg
Tonnage 3,152.54 MT

PT. Sarimas Permai - Surabaya / 1 unit Alstom 16 tons
Per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 16 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 54237.28814 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 54237.28814 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,627,118.64 kg
Tonnage 1,627.12 MT

PT. Intan Ustrix - Gresik / 1 unit Alstom 5 tons + 1 unit Alstom 6.75
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 11.75 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 39830.50847 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 39830.50847 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,194,915.25 kg
Tonnage 1,194.92 MT

PT. Karya Dibya Gudang Garam Group - Pandaan / 1 unit Alstom 10 ton
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 10 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 33898.30508 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 33898.30508 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,016,949.15 kg
Tonnage 1,016.95 MT

PT. Subur Jaya - Tulungagung / 1 unit Alstom 16 ton
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 16 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 54237.28814 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 54237.28814 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,627,118.64 kg
Tonnage 1,627.12 MT

PT. Matahari Sakti - Gempol & Surabaya / 2 unit Alstom 6.75 ton + 3 unit 10 ton
per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 36.75 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 124576.2712 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 124576.2712 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 3,737,288.14 kg
Tonnage 3,737.29 MT

PT. Charoen Pokphand - Surabaya / 1 unit Alstom 6.75 ton + 1 unit 10 ton

per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 16.75 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 56779.66102 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 56779.66102 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,703,389.83 kg
Tonnage 1,703.39 MT

PT. Surya Rengo - Krian / 1 unit Alstom 3.2 ton + 1 unit Alstom 6.75

per Unit (with coal AR 5900)
Kcal Full 5900 kcal/kg
Weight Coal/ton/hour 141.2429379 kg
Boiler Efficiency 0.78
Output Kcal/T.Steam expect/hours 650,000.00 kcal/ton steam
Capacity Boiler 9.95 ton
Production Hours 24 hours
Total Weight Coal per Unit Boiler/day 33728.81356 kg
Total Unit Boiler with same Cap. 21 ton/hr 1 unit
Total Weight Coal Requirement/day 33728.81356 kg
Day of Production 30.00 days
Total Weight Coal Requirement/month 1,011,864.41 kg
Tonnage 1,011.86 MT

Untuk Boiler - sebenarnya semakin tinggi Kalori yang dihasilkan oleh batu, maka semakin murah produksi
Brand Alstom - merekomendasikan pemakaian kalori tinggi , namun boleh saja dengan kalori rendah tp biaya produksi lebih tinggi jadinya


Data diatas belum termasuk untuk pemakaian batu bara dengan Boiler merk lain yang banyak tersebar, yang biasanya jika pabrik tidak terlalu besar , mereka menggunakan boiler yang bermerk China. Terlampir juga beberapa nama consumer pabrikan lainnya yang memakai batu bara lengkap dengan dengan cara pengirimannya.

Jika Anda berkeinginan untuk mengenal lebih lanjut mohon ketersediannya untuk memberikan commentny dan kami akan menguraikan lebih lanjut tentang perizinan batu bara, harga batu bara, biaya produksi, tata cara pengiriman lengkap, laba rugi , system permainan dengan konsumen, akal-akalan pemain batu bara dan siapa saja pemain batu bara di provinsi Jawa Timur.


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Diubah oleh joenkane 15-01-2016 06:15
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