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Perbandingan MOS Angkatan Bersenjata antara di Indonesia dengan Amerika
Di US Armed Forces MOS adalah 9 digit angka yang mengindentifikasikan pekerjaan khusus dari setiap tentara. 
Berikut ini adalah contoh dari beberapa MOS yang ada di Angkatan Darat US:


The field artillery officer leads the field artillery branch, who neutralizes the enemy by cannon, rocket and missile fire. The officer must be an expert in tactics, techniques and procedures for the employment of fire support systems.

  • Active/Reserve: Active Duty
  • Officer/Enlisted: Officer
  • Restrictions: None


The infantry is the main land combat force and backbone of the Army. They are responsible for defending our country against any threat by land, as well as capturing, destroying and repelling enemy ground forces.

  • Active/Reserve: Active Duty
  • Officer/Enlisted: Enlisted
  • Restrictions: None


Special Forces candidates are given the opportunity to become a member of one of the most highly skilled combat forces in the world. But they must complete and endure the extensive mental/physical training in order to join the Army elite.

  • Active/Reserve: Active Duty
  • Officer/Enlisted: Enlisted
  • Restrictions: None


Sedangkan Tentara Nasional Indonesia , hal yang sejenis MOS ini disebut dengan kecabangan, seperti infanteri, kalvaleri, polisi militer, dan sebagainya. Namun di Indonesia, masih belum diketahui apakah seseorang akan ditempatkan sesuai dengan keinginannya sendiri atau perintah atasan. Berikut adalah penjelasan dari salah satu veteran Amerika mengenai mos, dimana disitu dijelaskan bahwa rekomendasi MOS disesuaikan dengan ASVAB yang merupakan salah satu tes masuk tentara di US. Terdapat rekomendasi bagi para calon mengenai MOS yang sesuai dengan mereka, namun sepertinya tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk memasuki kecabangan atau mos yang mereka inginkan atau minati, seperti infantri dan sebagainya, apabila mereka mampu, seperti kata - kata yang saya kutip dari veteran tersebut: "I didn’t go into Infantry like I thought I wanted to, due to the recommendation and guidance of the Gunny who recruited me. He said something to me like, “With an ASVAB score like that, you will get too bored in the Infantry, which will make you want to get out after just 4 years. That, or you will wear yourself out before you can pull 20. I have a feeling you are a lifer, so I want to make sure you get an MOS that suits your talents.” So, I took the DLAB expecting to be a linguist, but as the story goes, I became a signals interceptor for ELINT and SIGINT efforts, and ended up as a cryptologic shore support analyst and senior watch officer for a naval security activity by the end of my career, which was really my speed after all"

Nah dari hal tersebut sebeneranya saya pengen tanya sama agan2, kira2 kalo jadi TNI tuh bisa milih kalo kita pengen masuk korps infantri misalnya atau pengen di arhanud atau pengen di polisi militer atau hanya pasrah dipilihin sama komandan? Thanks gan emoticon-Angkat Beer
Diubah oleh precisioncrown 15-04-2018 17:50
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