(Permisi om momod numpang benwit,kalo thread nya mengganggu gpp diclose aja )
Halo kk2 sekalian,ane nubie mo coba bikin thread ahh
Thread ini dibuat utk mendiskusikan tentang "SHOTGUN" (masi berbentuk airsoftgun tentunya),dari mulai showcase (pamer koleksi) sampe panduan upgrade khusus shotgun silakan dibahas di sini
Terserah mo tipe apapun,shotgunnya mahal ato murah,buatan cina ato buatan neraka,mo pake gas ato spring,mo BB 6mm ato 8mm,apapun yg berbau shotgun boleh semuanya dipost & didiskusikan di sini,asal tetap dlm koridor airsoft
Happy posting braders...
Btw sbg TS ane mulai duluan deh
DE M58 (spring shotgun) kondisi serba std
Spoiler for cara apgred shotgun springan versi om zald":
Originally Posted by kompresi spring
intinya kalo oprek sepringan ada beberapa cara
1. benahi kompresi piston & silinder... tes kompresi tahan ujung silinder pake jempol... kalo piston ditekan masih mampet, brarti kompresi bagus... kalo kompresi ngedrop, coba di selotip dikit pistonnya.. dan jangan lupa diberi silicon oil pistonnya
2. benahi kompresi antara inner barrel dan chamber dengan cara sambungan inner barrel dikasi seal tape biar udara dari silinder piston gak bocor
3. kalo mau "bermain" di per, coba ganjel spring guide pake ring... ganjel dulu bertahap satu dulu,... kalo masih kuat coba 2 ring.. tapi jangan terlalu bnyak.. pada banyak kasus, ganjelan piston ke searset trigger bisa patah karena gak kuat menahan tekanan per
4. kalo ketiga cara tadi sukses diterapakan, coba ganti inner barrel pake inner barrel dari besi.. itu bisa meningkatkan akurasi
5. ada sedikit "ide".. yaitu dengan mengganti karet piston dengan karet bekas suntikan..suntikan? iya suntikan dokter itu... karet suntikan itu cukup elastis, dan diameternya kira-kira hampir sama dengan diameter silinder ersop spring kebanyakan... tapi ini blom gw coba.. blom dapet mutilan karet suntikannya
6. terakhir, be crative and innovative
berlaku untuk semua jenis ersop spring
Spoiler for "beberapa model shotgun (oleh Kokopandan)":
Spoiler for Mossberg 500:
The Mossberg 500 is a shotgun manufactured by O.F. Mossberg & Sons. Rather than a single model, the 500 is really a series of widely varying hammerless, pump action repeaters, all of which share the same basic receiver and action, but differ in bore size, barrel length, choke options, magazine capacity, and "furniture" (stock and forearm) materials. Other model numbers included in the 500 series are the 590, 505, and 535.
The Remington Model 870 is a U.S.-made pump-action shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms Company, Inc. It is widely used by the public for sport shooting, hunting, and self-defense. It is also commonly used by law enforcement and military organisations worldwide. (Model shotgun kek gini nih biasanya dipake buat kepolisian)
The M4 was the first gas-operated shotgun produced by Benelli. Its function is designed around an entirely new method called the "auto regulating gas operated" (ARGO) system. The ARGO system on the M4 opened the door for Benelli's development of the R1 rifle line. The design uses two stainless-steel self-cleaning pistons located just ahead of the chamber to function opposite the rotating bolt, thereby eliminating the need for the complex mechanisms found on other gas-actuated automatics. Benelli accomplishes this level of reliability through the simplicity of the mechanism. The ARGO is a short-stroke system that incorporates only four parts. It consists of two symmetrical shrouds containing two small steel gas pistons.
It is also self-regulating for cartridges of varying length and power levels. It can fire 2.75 and 3-inch (76 mm) shells of differing power-levels without any operator adjustments and in any combination. Low-power rounds, such as less-lethal rubber pellets, must be cycled manually.
The sights are military-style ghost ring and are adjustable in the field using only a cartridge rim. The MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny sight rail on top allows use of both conventional and night-vision sights, while retaining use of the original sights.(ini juga biasanya dipake kepolisian )