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Refund Dana Dari E-commerce Transaksi Dengan Kode ARN (Aquiring Reference Number)
Refund Dana Dari E-commerce Transaksi Dengan Kode ARN (Aquiring Reference Number)

Ane Melakukan transaksi dengan Mandiri Debit Online di salah satu e-commerce. Transaksi sukses dan order di proses.

Tapi sehari kemudian penjual membatalkan order dan pihak e-commerce mengembalikan dana.

Hingga sekarang 75 hari sudah berlalu dan Dana belum diterima juga

Pihak e-commerce menyatakan jika transaksi refund sukses dan menyertakan kode ARN (aquiring reference number)

Acquirer reference number,(ARN), is a unique number that tags a credit card transaction when it goes from the merchants bank (the acquiring bank) through the card scheme to the cardholder's bank (the issuer).

This number can be used by issuing banks to trace a transaction with an acquirer.

Kindly give the ARN to your credit cards issuer, he will help you trace the money.

What happens at the backside of the PoS terminals?

Credit card transaction happen in a two-stage process consisting of authorization and settlement.
This is important because different fees are incurred at each stage, and a failure (or partial failure) in either step can result in increased costs and/or credit card sales not being deposited.
the sales transaction information is passed by PoS terminal or software to a processor, and then through the card network to the issuing bank for approval.
The issuing bank then sends an authorization back through the card network to PoS processor before it finally ends up back at PoS terminal or software.
An acquiring bank is a registered member of the card associations (Visa and MasterCard).

An acquiring bank is often referred to as a merchant bank because they contract with merchants to create and maintain accounts that allow the business to accept credit and debit cards, (i.e. merchant accounts).
Acquiring banks provide merchants with equipment and software to accept cards, promotional materials, customer service and other necessary aspects involved in card acceptance.
The acquiring bank also deposits funds from credit card sales into a merchant's account.
Issuing banks pay acquiring banks for purchases that their cardholders make. It is then the cardholder's responsibility to repay their issuing bank under the terms of their credit card agreement.

The primary responsibilities of the Card Association are to govern the members of their associations, including interchange fees and qualification guidelines,

also act as the arbiter between issuing and acquiring banks,
maintain and improve the card network and their brand, and, of course, make a profit.
That last one has become even more important now that Visa and MasterCard are public companies.
Visa uses their VisaNet network to transmit data between association members, and MasterCard uses their Banknet network;

The document referred to here below explains about the tool which enables for tracking the payments; card associations like VISA or MC can help you in tracking the money paid out or sent in

Komplain Ane sudah diselesaikan pihak Bank MANDIRI.

Makasih agan2 semua
Diubah oleh spoofi 09-05-2017 03:32
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