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SCAK (Specialty Coffee Association of Kaskus) - Part 1

SCAK (Specialty Coffee Association of Kaskus) - Part 1
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How To
Tips n Trick

Buying Guide
Range 500.000
Hario Mini Slim 509000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
Latina Sumbawa 155000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
Maximo Ceramic Burr 249000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
Range 500.000
Hario Mini Slim 509000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
Latina Sumbawa 155000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
Maximo Ceramic Burr 249000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
Range 2,000.000 ]
Porlex 850000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
1zpresso Q1 1200000
Steel Conical Burr, bisa buat espresso, manual
Welhome ZD10T 1650000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Porlex 850000
Ceramic Conical Burr, manual
1zpresso Q1 1200000
Steel Conical Burr, bisa buat espresso, manual
Welhome ZD10T 1650000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Range 5,000,000
Latina 600n 2000000
Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, daya tahan bagus
Baratza Encore 2600000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Latina X50 3465000
Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, peruntukan khusus espresso, on demand
Baratza Virtuoso 3850000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Solis Scala 166 2300000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Baratza Sette 30AP 4200000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
OE Lido ET 3290000
Steel Conical Burr, manual, sanggup untuk espresso skala mesin komersil, ukuran burr besar, cepat untuk grind fine
Comandante C40 4200000
Steel Conical Burr, manual, konsistensi sangat baik
Kinu M47 Traveller 4250000
Steel Conical Burr, manual, konsistensi sangat baik
Latina 600n 2000000
Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, daya tahan bagus
Baratza Encore 2600000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Latina X50 3465000
Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, peruntukan khusus espresso, on demand
Baratza Virtuoso 3850000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Solis Scala 166 2300000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
Baratza Sette 30AP 4200000
Steel Conical Burr, elektrik
OE Lido ET 3290000
Steel Conical Burr, manual, sanggup untuk espresso skala mesin komersil, ukuran burr besar, cepat untuk grind fine
Comandante C40 4200000
Steel Conical Burr, manual, konsistensi sangat baik
Kinu M47 Traveller 4250000
Steel Conical Burr, manual, konsistensi sangat baik
Range 10,000,000
Baratza Sette 270 6400000 Steel Conical Burr, elektrik, micro adjustment, cocok untuk espresso
Baratza Sette 270W 8200000 Sama kayak versi non W, tapi ada built in scale by Acaia
Rancilio Rocky 7500000 Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, hasil konsisten, cocok untuk espresso
Eureka Mignon 8250000 Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, stepless, cocok untuk espresso
Wega 5.8 (OEM Compak K3) 7700000 Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, cocok untuk espresso
Baratza Sette 270 6400000 Steel Conical Burr, elektrik, micro adjustment, cocok untuk espresso
Baratza Sette 270W 8200000 Sama kayak versi non W, tapi ada built in scale by Acaia
Rancilio Rocky 7500000 Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, hasil konsisten, cocok untuk espresso
Eureka Mignon 8250000 Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, stepless, cocok untuk espresso
Wega 5.8 (OEM Compak K3) 7700000 Steel Flat Burr, elektrik, cocok untuk espresso
Pour Over
Suji Pour Over Dripper 45000-50000
Hario V60 Dripper 80000-350000
Suji Flat Bottom Dripper 70000
Kalita Wave Dripper 300000-550000
Blue Bottle Dripper 600000
French Press 55000
Aeropress 550000
Delter Coffee Press 590000
Espresso Manual
Starreso 650000
Kompresso 950000
1zpresso Y3 1399000
Wacaco Nanopresso 1100000
Rokpresso 2800000
Flair 2900000
Pour Over
Suji Pour Over Dripper 45000-50000
Hario V60 Dripper 80000-350000
Suji Flat Bottom Dripper 70000
Kalita Wave Dripper 300000-550000
Blue Bottle Dripper 600000
French Press 55000
Aeropress 550000
Delter Coffee Press 590000
Espresso Manual
Starreso 650000
Kompresso 950000
1zpresso Y3 1399000
Wacaco Nanopresso 1100000
Rokpresso 2800000
Flair 2900000
Latina Gravity 132000 max 2kg
Latina Newton 258000 max 3kg
Hario scale 1080000 max 2kg, ada fitur timer
Brewista Smart Scale 1200000 max 2kg, water resistant, USB rechargeable
Brewista Smart Ratio Scale 1500000 kayak versi Smartnya tapi bisa hitung yield
(ratio air yang seharusnya keluar dari jumlah air yang masuk)
Acaia Pearl 2350000 max 3kg, USB rechargeable, bluetooth connection
Acaia Lunar 3650000 max 2kg, USB rechargeable, water resistant, bluetooth connection
Timemore Blackmirror Dual sensor 2650000 max 2kg, bisa hitung yield, USB rechargeable
Latina Gravity 132000 max 2kg
Latina Newton 258000 max 3kg
Hario scale 1080000 max 2kg, ada fitur timer
Brewista Smart Scale 1200000 max 2kg, water resistant, USB rechargeable
Brewista Smart Ratio Scale 1500000 kayak versi Smartnya tapi bisa hitung yield
(ratio air yang seharusnya keluar dari jumlah air yang masuk)
Acaia Pearl 2350000 max 3kg, USB rechargeable, bluetooth connection
Acaia Lunar 3650000 max 2kg, USB rechargeable, water resistant, bluetooth connection
Timemore Blackmirror Dual sensor 2650000 max 2kg, bisa hitung yield, USB rechargeable
Spoiler for arsip:
Daftar Isi untuk coffee gathering & jalan ngupi, Café/Coffee review dan Artikel kopi:
Coffee Gathering & jalan ngupi:
- Coffee Gathering - Malang, 17 - 18 May 2008by: dman
- perjalanan orang kebanyakan ngopi by: littlehope
- crema art by: littlehope
- SCAK Gathering, Jakarta - Senin, 23 Juni 2008 by: dman
- lanjutan jalan ngupi di PasPles by: dman
- Jalan ngupi SCAK, Bandung 25 Juni 2008 by: dman
Café/Coffee review:
- Kunjungan ke Ritual Coffee To Go by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan Singkat ke La Tazza by Gambarello
- kunjungan ke Break Coffee n Book, Jogja by: wallflowers
- Kunjungan ke Grand Indonesia by: Gambarello
- Liputan Kopi di Bilangan Senopati by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Blümchen Coffee by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Grand Indonesia (Lagi) by: Gambarello
- SCAK Gathering, Jakarta - Senin, 23 Juni 2008 (Day 1) by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke STC Senayan & Ratu Plaza by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Schibello Caffé & Showroom, STC Senayan by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Miko Coffee, Sarinah Building by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Les Classique & Cafe Amor, Kemang Raya by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Petro Cafe by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Huize van Wely (camus coffee), Plaza Indonesia by Gambarello
Artikel kopi:
- Espresso machine & grinder by: mobius
- Tamping by: mobius
- Extraction by: mobius
- tune up cheats by: FreshRoasted
- Coffee Drinks Illustrated by: dman
- Coffee roaster bermutu bikinan Indonesia by: FreshRoasted
- tips menyeduh kopi by: Nikho
- Humor: Obrolan Kopi by:Gambarello
Coffee Gathering & jalan ngupi:
- Coffee Gathering - Malang, 17 - 18 May 2008by: dman
- perjalanan orang kebanyakan ngopi by: littlehope
- crema art by: littlehope
- SCAK Gathering, Jakarta - Senin, 23 Juni 2008 by: dman
- lanjutan jalan ngupi di PasPles by: dman
- Jalan ngupi SCAK, Bandung 25 Juni 2008 by: dman
Café/Coffee review:
- Kunjungan ke Ritual Coffee To Go by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan Singkat ke La Tazza by Gambarello
- kunjungan ke Break Coffee n Book, Jogja by: wallflowers
- Kunjungan ke Grand Indonesia by: Gambarello
- Liputan Kopi di Bilangan Senopati by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Blümchen Coffee by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Grand Indonesia (Lagi) by: Gambarello
- SCAK Gathering, Jakarta - Senin, 23 Juni 2008 (Day 1) by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke STC Senayan & Ratu Plaza by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Schibello Caffé & Showroom, STC Senayan by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Miko Coffee, Sarinah Building by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Les Classique & Cafe Amor, Kemang Raya by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Petro Cafe by: Gambarello
- Kunjungan ke Huize van Wely (camus coffee), Plaza Indonesia by Gambarello
Artikel kopi:
- Espresso machine & grinder by: mobius
- Tamping by: mobius
- Extraction by: mobius
- tune up cheats by: FreshRoasted
- Coffee Drinks Illustrated by: dman
- Coffee roaster bermutu bikinan Indonesia by: FreshRoasted
- tips menyeduh kopi by: Nikho
- Humor: Obrolan Kopi by:Gambarello

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