Hari ini jumat 7 April 2017, seperti biasanya ane suka mantengin FJB Kaskus buat cari barang2 murah yg harganya kaskus banget sambil nge-Youtube liat video2 seputar otomotif dan video2 unik lainnya, tapi ada yg aneh nih gan gak kaya biasanya, kok skrg gak ada iklan yg muncul pas ane liat2 video2 di Youtube, padahal ane gak pake adblock atau sejenisnya. Ahh mungkin lagi hoki kali ya gak ada iklan2 yg rada ganggu itu pas lagi nonton. Nah trus pas siang nya ane buka Youtube lagi dan kok sama juga, gak ada iklan yg muncul. Ane penasaran langsung nanya ke temen suru cobain buka youtube dan sama juga gak ada iklannya
Trus saking penasarannya ane googling2 tentang iklan Youtube, ehh ketemu ini gan...
Spoiler for Youtube:
Introducing Expanded YouTube Partner Program Safeguards to Protect Creators
Thursday, April 6, 2017
For millions of creators, making videos on YouTube isn’t just a creative outlet, it’s a source of income. We set up the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) in 2007. Today, more creators are making a living on YouTube than ever before. However, with this growth we’ve started seeing cases of abuse where great, original content is re-uploaded by others who try to earn revenue from it. To help protect creator revenue, we recently made it easy for anyone to report an impersonating channel. To date, this change has helped us terminate hundreds of thousands of channels violating our policies. Now, we're taking another step to protect creators by updating the thresholds required to join the YouTube Partner Program.
Starting today, we will no longer serve ads on YPP videos until the channel reaches 10k lifetime views. This new threshold gives us enough information to determine the validity of a channel. It also allows us to confirm if a channel is following our community guidelines and advertiser policies. By keeping the threshold to 10k views, we also ensure that there will be minimal impact on our aspiring creators. And, of course, any revenue earned on channels with under 10k views up until today will not be impacted.
In a few weeks, we’ll also be adding a review process for new creators who apply to be in the YouTube Partner Program. After a creator hits 10k lifetime views on their channel, we’ll review their activity against our policies. If everything looks good, we’ll bring this channel into YPP and begin serving ads against their content. Together these new thresholds will help ensure revenue only flows to creators who are playing by the rules. If you’re a new creator who’s just started building your channel, our YouTube Creator Academy has tips on making great original content and growing your audience to help you get to 10,000 views and beyond. Once you’ve applied for YPP, you can check your application status in the Channel tab in Creator Studio, under Monetization. We want creators of all sizes to find opportunity on YouTube, and we believe this new application process will help ensure creator revenue continues to grow and end up in the right hands.
Ternyata per hari ini 7 April 2017 Youtube memperketat iklan2 mereka, jadi untuk chanel2 yg viewernya dibawah 10ribu gak bakal ada iklannya gan, asik donk skrg nonton youtube tanpa gangguan iklan heheee... tapi ada tapinya nih gan, berhubung ane juga punya channel youtube yg punya content tapi viewernya dibawah 10ribu jadi susah ngembangin content2 ane hehee, dapetin 100 viewer aja susah ehh skrg harus 10ribu dulu baru bisa dapet iklan... tapi gimanapun juga ketentuan ini dibikin pasti ada tujuannya, ada sebab dan akibat juga pastinya..
buat content creator di youtube yg masih newbie kaya ane jangan patah semangat yaa, terus berkarya...
jangan lupa rate thread ane ato share ya gan
salam kaskus