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China is Developing Its Own Deadly "Arsenal Ship"
China is Developing Its Own Deadly "Arsenal Ship"

Ships and submarines would carry hundreds of missiles.

China is Developing Its Own Deadly "Arsenal Ship"

A new article in Popular Science points to evidence that China is developing a so-called "arsenal ship," a large surface ship or submarine capable of carrying hundreds of missiles. Such a ship could allow the People's Liberation Army Navy to rapidly increase firepower without an investment in large numbers of expensive aircraft carriers, cruisers, and destroyers.

The U.S. developed the arsenal ship concept in the 1990s for the same kind of reason. Arsenal ships would be huge—based on supertanker or container ship hulls, and with a minimal crew. An arsenal ship would have hundreds if not thousands of Mark 41 vertical launch missile silos, each of which could carry a Tomahawk land attack cruise missile, SM-2 air defense missile, SM-3 ballistic missile interceptor, or future missile designs. A single ship could launch hundreds of cruise missiles against an enemy target, raining down destruction that was previously only possible by aircraft carriers.

The concept went nowhere with the U.S., however, because the Navy faced no serious competitors on the high seas and the ships were of no value in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Apparently however, someone has decided that it's just the trick for a rapidly expanding navy to quickly add firepower.

According to Popular Science, China is working on two designs: a conventional arsenal ship and a submarine version. Each weighs in at approximately 20,000 tons. Currently, the surface ships with the largest number of missile-firing silos are South Korea's Sejong the Great guided missile destroyers, each of which displaces 11,000 tons and has 128 silos. Assuming the Chinese Arsenal Ship is twice as large and deletes the 5-inch deck gun, helicopter hangar, and flight deck, it could carry 300 or more missile silos.

According to unverified Chinese Internet rumors, a full-scale proof-of-concept ship will be launched after 2020. It seems unusual to go through the trouble of building an experimental ship hundreds of feet long that would not eventually become fully operational.

The guided missile submarine USS Michigan, which can carry up to 154 cruise missiles, pulling into Busan, South Korea, April 2017.
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jermaine Ralliford

A submarine version would be similar in size to the four 18,000 ton Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines. First fielded in 2002, the Ohio cruise missile submarines were modified to carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles. A 20,000 ton submarine purpose-built to carry missile silos might have up to 200 of them.

Arsenal ships are one-trick ponies designed to do one thing well: launch a lot of missiles at a single target, whether that target is an enemy country or fleet. They can't conduct anti-piracy missions, or anti-submarine warfare missions, or even fight on their own. They are designed to operate as part of a larger naval task force, with the ships and aircraft of that task force providing targeting information and protection from threats.

China is Developing Its Own Deadly "Arsenal Ship"
ROKS Sejong the Great, which has more vertical launch missile silos than U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers.
Wikipedia photo.

Arsenal ships aren't for everyone. A navy that operates worldwide—and whose ships may be called on to perform three or four completely different types of missions during the course of a six-month cruise—will find an arsenal ship is less useful. But for a burgeoning navy that wants to keep potential enemies out of the South China Sea, an arsenal ship represents an inexpensive way to boost the fleet's missile-firing capabilities quickly and relatively cheaply.

Model destroyer yang sangat menarik, karena bisa menyelam seperti kapal selam sehingga low observability, dan bisa bawa 300 missile bahkan lebih.

Dulu Amerika sempat mempertimbangkan konsep tsb, namun dibatalkan krn gada lawan tangguh. Apakah nantinya Amerika akan menghidupkan kembali konsep tsb melihat RRC sedang membuat arsenal ship ini.
Diubah oleh anis.sandi1 23-06-2017 01:36
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