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Teroris di Lindt Cafe sebut Obama adalah seorang Murtadin di tahun 2008
Lindt Cafe Terrorist called Obama out as an Apostate back in 2008

Among those who saw Barack Hussein Obama as an “apostate” for denying his religion as an Islamist, when he first ran as president in 2008, was the man who was to become the terrorist who killed two innocent hostages, injuring four others at the Sydney Lindt Cafe on Sunday.

Signing his name as “Sheik Haron” and writing “Dear Brother Barack Obama” in the salutation of his letter, Man Haron Monis warned Obama on June 12, 2008:”You will be apostate by denying your religion, I advise you to avoid such a big sin.

Virtually ignored by the mainstream media since June of 2008, the letter was easily accessed on Monis’ personal website right up until the day following the Sydney terrorist attack—and even then only because courageous Front Page Magazine columnist Daniel Greenfield brought it into the glare of publicity.

“Sheikh Haron, the Sydney hostage taker, had an extensive website which is currently down where he posted open letters to assorted politicians. These included a letter to Obama written during his original campaign.” (Greenfield, Dec. 15, 2014)

“I got your message,” Monis wrote to Obama. “Hiding the religion for political purposes is not permitted. When a Muslim is asked about her/his religion, she/he must tell the truth. You think it is permissible by Shariah law to hide your religion to achieve some positions to be able to help Islam and to give a better service to Muslims. You are wrong, Shariah law doesn’t allow you to do so, your reason for hiding your religion Islamically is not a legitimate reason.”

Greenfield notes, “The interesting thing here is that Sheikh Haron viewed Obama as a Muslim who was hiding his religion based on his background. There hasn’t been much talk about this, but considering that Obama had a Muslim father and stepfather, many Muslims would view him as a Muslim and have varying views of his motives.”

“Haron even put out a Fatwa against Obama:
“In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful
 The President-elect Barack Hussein Obama is a Murtad (apostate). Barack Hussein Obama must be treated as Murtad as long as he does not repent in public. It is an obligation upon every Muslim who is able, to treat Barack Hussein Obama according to Shariah law. Treating Barack Hussein Obama as an apostate according to Shariah law will be rewarded by Allah (swt). Muslims even for one moment must not doubt about treating Barack Hussein Obama as apostate.”

Others tried to sound warning bells that America was about to elect a potential Islamist apostate as its president, including Canada Free Press (CFP) on March 10, 2006, in an article, headlined: ‘Barack Obama a Muslim apostate headed for the White House?

Currently, Obama is an apostate as far as Islam is concerned. This is a fact and not a conspiracy theory. They say all babies are born Muslim but then parents of infidel religions brainwash the baby Muslims into other lesser faiths. That is a fact.

“What must be done with an apostate of the Muslim faith? Give him a chance to convert back to Islam.

“Meanwhile hype notwithstanding, “the new face of change and reform for the Democrat Party” is no Abe Lincoln, but could be the most upwardly mobile Muslim of the millennium.”

Terrorist attacks have increased worldwide since Obama came to the White House. Today’s ongoing terrorist attack claiming 126 and still counting lives in Pakistan, Sunday’s attack in Sydney, two in Canada in the month of October, one in Quebec and one at Canada’s National War Memorial in Ottawa.

And just as the Australian ‘#IllRideWithYou’ and the Toronto-inspired ‘Hug a Terrorist’ movements do diddly squat to stop them, neither will Obama’s banning the words “Islamist terrorists’ from the public lexicon.

Islam is getting richer dollar wise and in social media support, but you can’t count on Obama, most western leaders or the mainstream media to warn you against the next terrorist strike.


Murtadin yang berkualitas emoticon-2 Jempol
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