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All about Rekruitmen Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) 2016
The Company is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) with PT Pertamina Dana Ventura. The company does business in geothermal energy utilizations. It bears a critical role for the community in contributing an environment-friendly and renewable alternative energy source, especially in Indonesia. Utilizations of geothermal energy have been conducted since the 1980s.
Since 1974 Pertamina has been conducting explorations and exploitation activities by identifying 70 high temperature geothermal areas that can be used to generate electricity. These areas are spread all over Indonesia, such as in Sumatera, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Sulawesi. These efforts showed a good result due to the official announcement of Kamojang field in West Java on the January 29, 1983. Geothermal energy in that field was used to run Kamojang’s Unit 1 Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) with generator capacity of 30 MW. In Sumatera, 2 MW Monoblok Geothermal Power Plant operated for the first time in Sibayak-Brastagi. In 2004, the first Geothermal Power Plant in Sulawesi with 20 MW capacities was operated in Lahendong.
With the enactment of The Presidential Decree Number 76 year 2000, Pertamina no longer has monopoly rights to manage geothermal energy in Indonesia. Therefore, Pertamina returned 16 out of 31 of its geothermal Business Working Areas to the government.
On the September 17, 2003 Pertamina was changed into PT Pertamina (Persero). Under the Governmental Regulation Number 31 year 2003, PT Pertamina (Persero) was mandated to transfer their geothermal business to a Subsidiary, at least in two years after the LLC or perseroan was formed. In that regards, PT Pertamina (Persero) formed PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (the Company) as the Subsidiary that will manage business activities in geothermal. The Company was finally established based on the Certificate Number 10, dated on December 12, 2006 and legalized by the Indonesian Minister of Justice and Human Rights, bearing the Decision Letter Number W7-00089HT.01.01-TH.2007, dated on January 3, 2007.
The Company was founded with the intention to hold a business in geothermal from the upstream and/or downstream, nationally or internationally, along with other related or supporting business activities in geothermal, by implementing the principles of Limited Liability Company or Perseroan Terbatas.All about Rekruitmen Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) 2016
Source: asesmen.lptui.com

Working Area:
Geothermal Area
Total installed capacity from 4 geothermal areas are 437 MW. The profile of each is:
Kamojang Area is located at WKP of Kamojang-Darajat in West Java, it has total installed capacity of 235 MW resulted from four units of Geothermal Power Plant.
Lahendong Area located at WKP of Lahendong of North Sulawesi, it has total installed capacity of 80 MW from 4 units Geothermal Power Plant.
Sibayak Area at WKP of Mountain Sibayak-Sinabung Mountain, North Sumatera has one Monoblok Unit with installed capacity of 2 and two units of Geothermal Power Plant of 2x5 MW. Current total installed capacity for Sibayak Area is 12 MW.
Ulubelu Area at WKP of Way Panas Mountain, Lampung province has two units of Geothermal Power Plant each has installed capacity of 55 MW

Geothermal Project
The Company’s commitment in that strategic role is formed through acceleration of geothermal energy development in Indonesia. In this case, the Company is consistently building and developing National Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) projects.
Ulubelu Unit 3 dan 4. Besides two Geothermal Power Plant units in Ulubelu (unit 1 and 2) that’s been operating, there are also two additional units with total capacity of 2x55 MW. Unit 3 and 4 are currently at Engineering Procurement Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) stage and drilling. The Geothermal Power Plant is planned to be commercially operable in 2016 (unit 3) and 2017 (unit 4).
Lumut Balai Unit 1 dan 2. Lumut Balai Project of Unit 1 and 2 with total capacity of 2x55 MW located at WKP of Lumut Balai and Margabayur, South Sumatera Province. The current status for Unit 1 is at EPCC stage. While Unit 2 is at the stage of infrastructure and drilling preparation. The Geothermal Power Plant is projected to be commercially ready in 2016 (unit 1) and 2018 (unit 2).
Lumut Balai Unit 3 dan 4. Two additional units of PLTP for Lumut Balai project each have the capacity of 55 MW and still in development process. Currently at the stage of permit. Both units are planned to be commercially operable in 2022.
Lahendong Unit 5 dan 6. Lahendong project at WKP of Lahendong, North Sulawesi Province. Targeted to operate a generator with the capacity of 2x20 MW. Unit 5 is currently at EPCC stage and Unit 6 has done EPCC and drilling. Both units are planned to be commercially operable in 2016 (unit 5) and 2017 (unit 6).
Karaha Unit 1. Located in WKP Karaha Cakrabuana, this project is a continuation of development of the Karaha Bodas Project assigned by the Indonesian Government. The project is located in West Java Province. The Company plans to build a Geothermal Power Plant Unit 1 with a capacity of 1x30 MW. Karaha unit 1 is expected to have its commercial operation in 2017.
Hululais Unit 1 dan 2. Located at WKP of Hululais, about 180 km from Bengkulu city, in Lebong Regency of Bengkulu Province. It has potential capacity of 300 MW. Current status is at the completion of drilling infrastructure and production test. The Company is targeting to build two units of Geothermal Power Plant with the capacity of 2x55MW, planned to operate commercially in 2018.
Sungai Penuh 1 dan 2. Located at WKP of Sungai Penuh of Jambi Province. Geothermal potential is estimated to be 200 MW. Seeing this huge potential, the Company is planning to build two units of Geothermal Power Plant with total capacity of 2x55 MW. Current status is at drilling and production test. Both are expected to operate commercially in 2019.
Source: pge.pertamina.com
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