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[100% JOKE] The Fairy Tale Joke
[100% JOKE] The Fairy Tale Joke

The Carpenter and Fairy

Once upon a time, there was a poor carpenter who always cut woods on the forest. One day, he cut woods on the edge of the valley. He cut the wood with pleasure. Suddenly, because he too happy, the carpenter’s axe escped from his hand and fall into the deep valley. He sat on the edge of the valley and cried there. “How do I cut the woods without my axe?” He said. He cried all the noon. Suddenly, a fairy appeared from the deep valley and asked the poor carpenter, “What happen carpenter? Why do you cry?” “I was cut some woods here, but my axe was escaped from my hand and fall into that valley.” Answered the poor carpenter. “Oh... I see.... let me help you.” Said the Fairy. Then, the fairy appeared again to the surface of the valley and said, “Is this your axe, carpenter?” at the same time the fairy showed the golden axe. “No! That’s not my axe!” answered him. Then, the fairy took another axe and said, “Is this your axe, carpenter?” at the same time the fairy showed the silver axe. “No! That’s not my axe!” Then the fairy took another axe and appeared again, “Is it yours?” at the same time the fairy showed the bronze axe. “Absolutely not!” answered the carpenter. And then, the fairy took another axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” at the same time the fairy showed the carpenter’s axe. “Yeah! That’s mine! Oh thank you good fairy!” said the carpenter. “Because your honesty, as a gift, I give you 3 another axes.” Said the fairy. After he got back his axe with the gifts, the carpenter went home happily.
After he arrived at home, he told everything to his wife. His wife was very happy. The next day, the carpenter’s wife wanted to know the place that her husband got the axes the day before. After arrived on the place, his wife was very happy and suddenly she fall into the deep valey. The carpenter cried again all the noon. Then, suddenly the same fairy appeared from the deep valey and asked him, “So, for know, why do you still cry?” “I bring my wife here and she was very happy and unfortunately she fall into the valley.” Asked the carpenter. “All right, let me help you.” Offered the fairy. Then the fairy went back to the valley and brought a woman, “Is she your wife?” at the same time the fairy showed Luna Maya. “Yeah...! That’s my wife!” anwered the carpenter. With poker face, the fairy brought another woman and asked him, “Is she your wife?” at the same time the fairy showed Cut Tari. “Oh yes! That’s my wife.” Answered him. With unhappy face, the fairy brought another woman, “Is this your wife?” at the same time the fairy showed Aura Kasih. “Yes... yes absolutely my wife!” answered the carpenter. With unhappy face, the fairy came to the carpenter and said, “Yesterday, you’ve told the truth. But now, why do you lie to me?” “E...hmmm.... let me explain it. Yesterday, I tell the truth and I got 4 axes. But, if today I tell the truth, it means you’ll give me 4 wifes directly, right? That’s why I lie to you.” Answered the carpenter. By listening carpenter’s answer, the fairy got laugh out loud and gave him the real wife.


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[100% JOKE] The Fairy Tale Joke

[100% JOKE] The Fairy Tale Joke
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