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Odd things about English in Indonesia.
Odd things about English in Indonesia.

I write this article with plain languages and I hope all of you can understand what is the purpose of this article.

That is a curious thing that I've found in Indonesia, particularly in English. Even though they speak broken English, many people pretend they are super English speakers and judge other people Grammatical error, mispronounce, misspell and laugh at it. You can see this happen in social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, KASKUS or Path. I don’t know what the precise reason why they do that.

Perhaps, they want to look like a smart ass, or perhaps they want to be superior than others. In fact, many people will mock someone else if they make errors. Something that for me doesn’t make sense. If we look backward in our education, many teachers tended to be perfectionist, they were Grammar Nazi and punished students when students made mistakes. Even though the teachers spoke broken English.

When I was in school, my English classes were awful, my teachers always did a set of grammar drills, students who couldn’t answer the quiz will go penalized, they will be counted as a dumb piece of tail. I have no any recollection about my teacher’s English skills, but What I remember is my English grade was really bad and the class was so dull.

In social media, I’ve found out a bunch of insulting comments if someone makes grammatical errors, I’ve looked comment on YouTube when some Indonesian try to talk in English, some people will pretend like a Grammar Nazi and find what are the faults. Interesting? I personally don't think so.

A few years ago, perhaps you heard about VICKY PRASETYO, some dumbass who tries to speak English, only unfortunately he speaks a very terrible English. There are so many people hate him, laugh at him, mock him. In fact, I also don’t like him, he was an idiot scammer. But, my big question is how someone can laugh at something that even their self will make those mistakes if they speak English? That's a big part of the mystery.

I’ve joined many English Learning Group in social media, the fact is even the same. Mistakes are deadly actions, you can’t make any mistakes if you don’t want to consider as a stupid and idiot. Something like you can’t make mistakes, you are morons if you make errors. That causes people scare to speak English, they will avoid to speak English, especially when they speak to smart ass Indonesian.

Odd things about English in Indonesia.

If you can read this article that mean you are quite good in English, or you are an intermediate English learner. No matter how your English level, do you feel this happen all the time in our society? What's gone wrong?

The more we learn, the more we don’t know

Odd things about English in Indonesia.
Smart ass People

Yeah, that’s right. In my learning journey in every different subject, I’ve found that the more we learn the more we don’t know. Not only in linguistic communication, also in learning, in occupation, in skill, in athletics, in everything. In Indonesia, we don’t speak English, English is not our second language. In daily conversation we rarely speak English, even though English surrounds us anytime and everywhere.

In fact, I’ve been using English since 6 years ago, I have to use English in my Job. Since that time I’ve learned English, and I found I didn’t understand so much. When I bought my first English book, I couldn’t read easily even in the first page. I had to use dictionaries all the time. My grammar was very bad, I missed interpret the contexts.

But, I didn’t quit. Sometime when I made a mistake, my college, laughed at me. When I misspelled or made a grammar mistake they will laugh until to die. I don’t hate them, for me it was a funny thing as well, but something doesn’t make sense. Can they speak English? I don't think so either. They speak a very broken English. Lol. How can someone pick on someone else if they also have a bad English.

Psychology: I want to be looking smart and educated

Odd things about English in Indonesia.

In good order right away, if you are taking my article and you are attempting to detect faults. Congratulations, you are evidences of social troubles. Why do these social problems exist? Because this is a bad culture that prevent many people try to speak English. You know that majority of Indonesian can’t speak English, and because of these smart ass people, more people suffer and shy, afraid and anxious to talk English.

The root-cause is they want people to look them as a smart and educated one. But unfortunately, they’re not. Right now, if I meet this smart ass people, I will ask them a few basic questions use past tense I bet they will make mistakes. You can correct others, but in a polite way, not in a way to insult, to prove that you are superior than others. That will hurt their English. So if you find some smart ass guys, tell him/her “Do you speak perfect English?”. If they answer I don’t speak perfect English, then why they should insult someone.

Odd things about English in Indonesia.

They will make anyone shy and afraid to speak English. Many people cover their bad English with acting like a smart ass guy, thus people will afraid and stop to speak English with him/her.

I don’t judge many smart ass guy is only pretending like a smart one, there is also a good one. How we handle for this one? How can we handle for the real smart ass? Very easy. Ask them like this “Do English native speakers make mistakes?

Let’s wait for moment for him to think about it.

Mistakes are mandatories.

Odd things about English in Indonesia.

Mistakes are mandatories. I make mistakes and I make no bones about it. I don’t care if I make mistakes, even though I’m an English trainer. As a non-native speaker we make mistakes. It's a normal part of the learning process. You should make mistakes to improve.

Even though, native speakers make mistakes. For instance, do you make mistakes in Bahasa Indonesia? If yes is the answer, then read on. Well, it’s the same in all over the world. I’ve asked this question to many native speakers, they also make mistakes. No one cares, as long as they can understand, it’s fine. You’re not living in the English Speaking country and then mistakes will not have any trouble. But, that is a different story if you live in an English speaking country. But we live in Indonesia. Don’t we?

Odd things about English in Indonesia.

I believe that somebody will take issue with me, they can’t accept if someone speaks or writes a broken English. They really hate it. But let’s think about it more deeply, there are learners, so do we, we are learners. For me, English is my second language, English is not my first language and I’m not a native speaker. So Mistakes are the parts of learning, it’s okay to make mistakes, you are not going to die if you make mistakes. Please consider about their psychology, how they feel if you make them shy in front of the masses, in the social media? They will afraid to speak or write in English again. And you will responsible for this crime. I’m sorry if I too exaggerate it.

That's not English.

What’s the difference between Real English and the dumb English? If you learn English through the textbook, you will produce dumb English. Why? Okay, for instance: do you recognize this?

Hello, How are you?
I’m fine, thank you, and you?
I’m fine too, thanks.

That’s not a real English, that materials are prepared for English learners, which is quite strange to native speakers.

Odd things about English in Indonesia.

And the sore point is many Indonesian speaks this dumb English when they bully others. What the heck is it? I don’t know why, if you truly have a good English you should help others not to nibble on them. They want to speak English, give them a chance.

And I don’t know why people think they are really good in English while they produce a dumb English. They still can’t understand a single thing in American Movie.

So, if you read this article and still struggle to produce a Real English, why don’t you be humble and help others. Please stop bullying. Be a humble person, be kind and don’t embarrass yourself.

The conclusions

Well, I’m not intending to be a champion or something, I simply want to share something that I think really funny in Indonesia.

If you are the smart ass guy, please try to think about other people. If you are the victims, it’s the time for revolution, you should understand that guy who mocked at you is a sick guy. They produced a broken English and mocked at you??

Where is the common sense?

Don't worry about the mistakes you make. Keep it up.


The rebellion begins!

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Do you agree with smart ass people?
Diubah oleh h.d.th 23-10-2015 01:15
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