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[MILITER CHINA]Sekarang Sudah Bisa Melakukan Operasi Anti-Terror diluar Negeri !!

China has legalised overseas counter-terror operations by its military — according to the details of a controversial new law — as it tries to tie violence linked to mainly Muslim Xinjiang into global concerns about extremism.

Key points

China passes new counter-terrorism laws, extending its overseas operations
The move marks a change in China's stance of non-intervention overseas

Under the counter-terrorism legislation passed on the weekend, Beijing "may send personnel outside the border to carry out anti-terror activities" when the "relevant country" agrees, according to the text published by the official Xinhua news agency.

The measure applies to the People's Liberation Army, the People's Armed Police and employees of the country's public security organs, Xinhua said.

In recent years, China has increasingly moved away from former statesman Deng Xiaoping's dictum of "keeping a low profile" in foreign and military affairs.

It is expanding the reach of its armed forces far around the world, seeking to build a "blue water" navy capable of operating in distant seas and commissioning its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, in 2012.

In November, Beijing announced it would build a logistics hub in the African nation of Djibouti to support its units on United Nations and anti-piracy missions in the region.

China is a top contributor of peacekeepers to the continent and has helped patrol the waters off the lawless Somali coast.

Beijing has long proclaimed its belief in non-interference in other countries' domestic affairs, but that could be changing.

Two years ago a top public security official said it had considered a drone strike against a drug lord in Myanmar linked to the murders of 13 Chinese sailors.

The new legislation could apply to similar actions in the face of situations such as the November murder of a Chinese citizen by the Islamic State group.

The law establishes a co-ordinating body to "direct national counter-terrorism work", the text published overnight read.

Within China, the government has tightened social controls both online and on the ground, and the counter-terrorism bill could further reduce space for dissent.

Critics say the new rules give authorities wide scope for interpretation over what is harmful to state security.

The law is "terrible news for peaceful govt critics, the rule of law, ISPs (Internet service providers), businesses and many others in China", Sophie Richardson, China director for overseas campaign group Human Rights Watch, said on Twitter.

The measure compels companies to cooperate with requests from the government to hand over data or communications related to terror investigations, fining or jailing anyone who does not comply.

But provisions in earlier drafts that would have obliged them to install "back doors" in products or turn over encryption keys to Beijing — over which US President Barack Obama raised concerns — did not appear in the final version.

Sumber :

China kayaknya udah mulai keluar dari Politik Non-Interfensi nya yang mengekang Militer mereka buat melakukan Operasi Militer di Negara Lain. emoticon-Big Grin

Penutup Tahun 2015 yang Indah : emoticon-Selamat
Setelah Resmi membuka Pangkalan Angkatan Laut Pertama mereka diluar Negeri, di Djibouti, Afrika Timur.
Sekarang, meresmikan Aturan bahwa Militer mereka Boleh melakukan Operasi Anti-Terror di Negara Lain.

Diubah oleh 29-12-2015 05:31
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