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Dukungan Kepada Trump Semakin Banyak Selagi Petisi Mencapai 500ribu Tanda Tangan
Donald Trump wins more support in US as petition to ban him from the UK passes half million signatures.

Thursday was just a typical day on the campaign trail for Donald Trump. He won the endorsement of a major police union, saw several polls suggest Republican voters supported his stance on Muslims and endured another barrage of withering critcism.

Sir Peter Westmacott, British ambassador to the US, broke with diplomatic protocol to take the Republican candidate to task over claims that Muslims have made some parts of London into no-go areas.

"There is somebody called Donald Trump running in your presidential campaign, and he again spoke this morning about the UK, saying that we were busy disguising a massive Muslim problem," he said, despite the accepted diplomatic norms that prevent ambassadors commenting on domestic politics - particularly during a campaign. “That’s not the way we see it. We are very proud of our Muslim community in the United Kingdom.”

Meanwhile, the number of signatures on a petition calling for Mr Trump to be banned from the UK continued to grow, passing the half million mark just after 5am GMT.

That makes it a record for the government's petition website but Theresa May, the Home Secretary, has declined to say whether she would stop the billionaire entering the UK.

Hillary Clinton, the leading Democrat, also spoke out against the property mogul, pointing out that his showmanship was no longer entertaining.

Inside the Sheraton Portsmouth Harbourside Hotel, Mr Trump was unrepentant. He called for the death penalty for anyone who killed a police officer, and said his critics would soon come to realise he was right in trying to keep out Muslims.

“When I made my announcement in June I mentioned immigration and the heat was incredible,” he told a cheering crowd. “But within two weeks people started saying: ‘Wow this is a problem, he is right.'"

He left after securing the handy endorsement of the The New England Police Benevolent Association.

Earlier in the day he cancelled a trip to Israel, shelving what was shaping up to be an awkward visit following comments that managed to offend Muslims and Jews alike.

Yet, there are plenty of signs that he continues to connect with ordinary voters. Three polls showed Republican voters broadly backing his stance on banning Muslims entering the US until security can be improved.

Dukungan Kepada Trump Semakin Banyak Selagi Petisi Mencapai 500ribu Tanda Tangan

Petition reaches half a million

So that's it, the petition to keep Donald Trump out of the UK has passed the half million mark - standing at 500,090 as I type this.

Fear of terrorist attack rises in US

The New York Times has a new poll showing that fear of a terrorist attack has risen to its highest level in the US since the aftermath of 9/11, helping explain how Donald Trump has managed to ride the polls so well.

Opinion Americans are more fearful about the likelihood of another terrorist attack than at any other time since the weeks after Sept. 11, 2001, a gnawing sense of dread that has helped lift Donald J. Trump to a new high among Republican primary voters, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

In the aftermath of attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris and in San Bernardino, California, a plurality of the public views the threat of terrorism as the top issue facing the country. A month ago, only 4 percent of Americans said terrorism was the most important problem; now, 19 percent say it is, above any other issue.

Makin hot.
Info : US Presidential Election is on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Siapa saja calonnya?


Disqualifying Statements.
Donald Trump has not been officially disqualified from running for President due to his comments about Muslims.

So? White House cuma komen basa basi / critized doank, tapi ga officially disqualifies paman donal kah? emoticon-Bingung (S)

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