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Orang India Sangat merindukan sosok Pemimpin seperti Jokowi yang sederhana, egaliter dan menghargai pluralitas. Mereka menganggap Jokowi dapat disamakan dengan Obama dari Indonesia. Dan mereka sekarang sedang mencari Jokowi untuk India.

The popularity of Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo does not only become a phenomenon in Indonesia, but also in other countries. He is called Indonesian Obama. After Malaysian publicly expect for someone like Jokowi, the same expectation is also uttered by Indian.

In the article titled ‘In search of the Indian Jokowi’ uploaded on a media portal ‘The Hindu’, Pallavi Aiyar wrote his opening remarks by saying that the character likely performs in an Indonesian general election in the ensuing year has a very similar quality with the main actor in Indian political drama who also pursues 2014 general election.

However, in the article, he wrote that, compared to in India, democracy in Indonesia is still fairly young. It has only been 15 years after the downfall of Suharto in 1998.

“Although brand new, the democracy there parallels the one in India in chaos and zeal.” He wrote.“Noisy; political demonstrations, blatant labor union, free and bold press. Indonesian motto ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ underlines the desire of both countries to unite different ethnics, religions, and languages.”
Both countries also have coalitions which frequently do not work. Moreover, they face the same issues from infectious corruption, inadequate infrastructures, social gap, and environmental degradation.

The political actors have some things in common; political dynasty heirs, strong authoritarian people, large-scale businessmen or tycoons, or affluent religious figures.

“However, Indonesia has something India does not. A fresh political comer aged 52 years old, Joko Widodo who is lanky, humble, and very popular.” He confessed.

He added that although he has not declared himself as a presidential candidate, but some polls show his superiority as the next presidential candidate despite his political inexperience at a national level.
“His CV only briefs 2 positions; Solo Mayor and Jakarta Governor.”

Taking After Obama
Humble and down to earth. He always smiles to anyone which makes Jokowi look like American President Barack Obama.

How can he not? Jokowi is not an heir to a political dynasty. His father is a carpenter. Before he dived into a political world in 2005, he was a successful furniture entrepreneur. As Solo mayor, that forest engineer succeeded in turning the city with a high crime rate into the center of arts and cultures.
Last year, he resigned from his post as Solo Mayor to run for governor in Jakarta.“He chose Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, a Tionghoa- (Chinese Indonesian) by-birth Christian, as his deputy. It marks his commitment to realize Indonesian pluralistic vision.”No wonder, Jokowi is relentlessly compared to Obama.

“Just like Obama, he is charismatic, appealing, and promising to realize expectations and changes.”
He derailed from a classic leader track. He is innocence of political sins, collusion, and nepotism.“His pace into a general election has detrained from the regular political power, military, gigantic business, political dynasty, and religious ideology.”

Jokowi is a good exemplar of decentralization which gives an opportunity to local politicians without strong supports, but having clean track records to soar as a national figure.

As Jakarta Governor, Jokowi is incredibly occupied. When he does not go on an unannounced visit, he is often seen in traditional markets or slums to inspect the condition directly.
Less than a year, he has been heralded as an Indonesian President. However, it is still premature to rejoice a victory.
“Even though PDIP chairwoman Megawati was defeated in 2 presidential elections, it does not mean that she will not rerun for it and oust Jokowi.”
Apart from it, Jokowi has not done all his homework such as managing a medical insurance and handling congestion, pollution, and flood.
“For the time being, Jokowi is benefitted by voters’ maturity wishing for a leader who owns clean leadership, performance orientation and not political ideology or identity.”

Even if he is chosen next year as a president, it cannot ensure that he can withstand power interests and obstacles. Take Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s experience in 2004 for example.

One thing for sure, his journey is still long. However, the fact that he has a chance to be a president is a point credited to Indonesia.
While in India, 66-year democracy failed to produce a candidate like him although voters have been fed up with the same candidates.
“If Jokowi is Indonesian Obama, perhaps we can ask, where’s Indian Jokowi?” (T: Ida Indriyani)

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