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F-22 AS tidak cocok untuk pertempuran di masa depan
Pejuang tradisional seperti F-22, usang, menulis Bunga Nasional mengutip laporan American Center otoritatif Penilaian Strategis dan Anggaran (Pusat Penilaian Strategis dan Anggaran, CSBA).

Analis telah menyimpulkan bahwa karena kemajuan teknologi pejuang tradisional akan kehilangan manfaat. "Keberhasilan dekade terakhir di bidang deteksi, teknologi komunikasi dan senjata dipandu secara radikal dapat mengubah sifat pertempuran udara," - kata laporan itu.

Properti dipandang perlu untuk sukses dalam pertempuran udara, seperti kecepatan tinggi dan manuver, "kurang berharga sekarang, saat pesawat dapat mendeteksi dan mengalahkan puluhan kilometer."

Menurut peneliti, masa depan udara akan ditentukan oleh parameter seperti radar minimum dan tanda tangan termal, kapasitas muatan yang tinggi, peralatan deteksi jangkauan, serta jarak senjata.

"Dengan demikian, dalam pejuang Amerika di masa depan untuk mendapatkan superioritas udara dapat menyerupai pembom siluman, daripada F-22" - menyimpulkan Kepentingan Nasional.

F-22 "Raptor" - tempur serbaguna generasi kelima, yang dikembangkan oleh Lockheed Martin, Boeing dan General Dynamics untuk menggantikan F-15 Eagle. F-22 adalah yang pertama dan sampai saat ini hanya dipersenjatai dengan pesawat tempur generasi kelima. Dia juga pejuang yang paling mahal di mire.Istochnik

Traditional fighters such as the F-22, obsolete, writes the national flower of the authoritative American Center quoted the report on strategic and budget Assessments (Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, CSBA).

Analysts have concluded that because of advances in technology the traditional fighters will lose benefits. "The success of the last decade in the field of detection, guided weapons and communications technology radically can change the nature of aerial combat," the report said.

The property is considered necessary for success in the air battles, such as the high speed and maneuvering, "less valuable now, as the aircraft can detect and beat tens of kilometers."

According to the researchers, the future of the air will be determined by parameters such as minimum radar and thermal signature, a high payload capacity, the range of detection equipment, as well as distance weapon.

"Thus, in the American fighters in the future to obtain air superiority stealth bomber resembling a can, rather than the F-22"-concluded national interests.

The f-22 "Raptor" fighter-versatile fifth generation, developed by Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics to replace the F-15 Eagle. The f-22 is the first and to date only armed with a fifth generation fighter aircraft. He is also the most expensive fighter in the mire.Istochnik

untung TNI AU beli su-35 yg masih layak di masa depan
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