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Majalah Top Gear Rusia tak sengaja mempublikasikan foto kapal selam rahasia "Losharik'
Majalah Top Gear Rusia tak sengaja mempublikasikan foto kapal selam rahasia "Losharik'
Top Gear случайно опубликовал фото секретной российской подлодки
12.01.2015, 14:10 Алексей Пономарев

Top Gear accidentally published a photo of secret Russian submarine
Fragment of material from the magazine Top Gear
In the Russian version of the car magazine Top Gear photo appeared secret Russian submarine - Atomic deepwater station 1st grade AS-12 10831 project, known by the nickname "Losharik." Told the unofficial blog of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.

Photo shows the material "Spray white" rally on Mercedes-Benz GL 450 to Arkhangelsk.

"On the shore of the White Sea motorists magazine staged a photo shoot at the same time passing, remembering the innocent passage along the coast submarine - not realizing that shoot. <...> The boat is the last of deep-built nuclear power stations, is part of the 29-th separate brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet, based in Gadzhiyevo. Published in the "Top Gear" snapshot "Losharika" is probably one of the most clear and high-quality photos of this boat in open sources, "- said in a post CAST.

The fact that the image captured with a high probability it is a secret submarine, Slon confirmed weapons expert Vasily Sychev:

"Definitely argued that the photograph was indeed a deep station AS-12, of course, is impossible, as the project itself classified and reliably about the appearance of" Losharika "unknown. However, appear before, in 2007, 2010 and 2011 photos, which allegedly captured "Losharik" have a lot of similarities with the photograph of the submarine in the magazine Top Gear ».

At the end of September 2012 "Losharik", part of the Main Directorate of the Defense Ministry deep-sea research and reporting directly to the Minister of Defence, participated research expedition "Arctic-2012". Underwater station was collecting soil and rock samples at a depth of 2.5-3 km for 20 days.

AS-12 was nicknamed "Losharik" because of design features. Station housing made of high-strength titanium spherical compartments, which implements the principle bathyscaphe. Bays interconnected passages and arranged inside the outer hull. Shipbuilders Severodvinsk enterprise "Sevmash" station called "Losharikom" by analogy with the Soviet cartoon character - horse collected from the beads. Specifications AS-12 classified. As reported in 2012, "to Lenta.ru" supposedly "Losharik" has a length of 79 meters, width - seven meters, and its total displacement of about two thousand tons. The station can dive to a depth of six kilometers and reach speeds up to 30 knots.


panjang 79 meter, lebar 7 meter. Losharik dapat menyelam hingga kedalaman enam kilometer dan mencapai kecepatan hingga 30 knot. emoticon-Takut
Diubah oleh vitawulandari 13-01-2015 01:03
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