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PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and ARM machine code, using JIT recompilers (dynarecs).
PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger ARM-based phones and tablets, as long as there's support for OpenGL ES 2.0.
PPSSPP is an open source project, licensed under the GPL 2.0 (or later). Anyone is welcome to contribute their improvements to the code, and the hope is that over time this will resolve the compatibility problem, letting us all play the PSP games we wants on the devices of our choice.
PPSSPP is free to download and use.
buat PC gak jauh beda sama android, yg penting 32 bit aja
ini spek PC TS, all game lancar 60 FPS di layar 1x - 2x
Kelebihan :
- Gak perlu spek PC tinggi
- Perkembangan emulatornya cepat
- Hampir support semua game
- Tanpa setting2 yg sulit
- Grafis lebih bagus dibanding grafis aslinya di PSP
- Full Speed 100% untuk playable games
- Support joystick
Kekurangan :
- Masih ada Error/BUG di beberapa game (BGM/music, glitch grafik, glitch text, dsb)
- Game yg lancar di build lama belum tentu playable di build baru
[NEW] PPSSPP 0.9.9
link website PPSSPP : http://www.ppsspp.org/downloads.html
- Speed fps/vps lebih cepat
- Lebih banyak pilihan menu/setting untuk memperbagus grafis atau mempercepat Speed fps/vps
- Support movie scene & bgm
- Lebih banyak game yg playable
- Support USB Controller
- Support Multiplayer Online : http://forums.ppsspp.org/showthread.php?tid=9037
Support Movie & BGM dengan menginstall Sonic Stage(Google for the download link)
https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/pull/997 (latest version ada di postingan2 paling bawah)
Spoiler for No Repost:
sebelom POST harap baca RULES dari MOMOD yah

Fast and portable
PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and ARM machine code, using JIT recompilers (dynarecs).
PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger ARM-based phones and tablets, as long as there's support for OpenGL ES 2.0.
Free and Open Source
PPSSPP is an open source project, licensed under the GPL 2.0 (or later). Anyone is welcome to contribute their improvements to the code, and the hope is that over time this will resolve the compatibility problem, letting us all play the PSP games we wants on the devices of our choice.
PPSSPP is free to download and use.
Minimum Spec Recruitment :
Android :
- Arm v7 800 Mhz
- RAM 512MB
- GPU support OpenGL 2.0
buat PC gak jauh beda sama android, yg penting 32 bit aja
ini spek PC TS, all game lancar 60 FPS di layar 1x - 2x
Spoiler for SPEC:
Kelebihan :
- Gak perlu spek PC tinggi
- Perkembangan emulatornya cepat
- Hampir support semua game
- Tanpa setting2 yg sulit
- Grafis lebih bagus dibanding grafis aslinya di PSP
- Full Speed 100% untuk playable games
- Support joystick
Kekurangan :
- Masih ada Error/BUG di beberapa game (BGM/music, glitch grafik, glitch text, dsb)
- Game yg lancar di build lama belum tentu playable di build baru
[NEW] PPSSPP 0.9.9
link website PPSSPP : http://www.ppsspp.org/downloads.html
- Speed fps/vps lebih cepat
- Lebih banyak pilihan menu/setting untuk memperbagus grafis atau mempercepat Speed fps/vps
- Support movie scene & bgm
- Lebih banyak game yg playable
- Support USB Controller
- Support Multiplayer Online : http://forums.ppsspp.org/showthread.php?tid=9037
Support Movie & BGM dengan menginstall Sonic Stage(Google for the download link)
https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/pull/997 (latest version ada di postingan2 paling bawah)

brokolidankol memberi reputasi

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