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(kalah cepet) Estonia Acquires CV90 IFVs from Netherlands in Biggest Procurement Ever

(kalah cepet) Estonia Acquires CV90 IFVs from Netherlands in Biggest Procurement Ever

(kalah cepet) Estonia Acquires CV90 IFVs from Netherlands in Biggest Procurement Ever

(kalah cepet) Estonia Acquires CV90 IFVs from Netherlands in Biggest Procurement Ever
Dutch Army/ Fuseliers (infantry) climbing the ramp of the CV9035NL IFV

The Netherlands and Estonia signed an agreement on Dec. 9/14 for the sale of 44 CV 9035NL Mk-III tracked infantry fighting vehicles. These vehicles are used but were acquired in recent years before the Netherlands decided it no longer needed them, or more accurately, could afford them. The Dutch had announced their intent to sell these vehicles in September 2013, and Estonia had been revealed as their buyer in October 2014.

Russia was already making Estonia nervous after cyber attacks in 2007, but the Baltic states have had even more reason to worry after the events that unfolded in Ukraine through 2014. For Estonia, clearly annexations have consequences.

According to the defense ministry, the Netherlands had ordered a total of 193 CV90s from BAE Systems Hägglunds AB in Sweden, in infantry transport and command/control configurations. Deliveries took place between 2008 and 2011, so by the time Estonia receives them they will still have 2 decades of use in them. The Royal Netherlands Army’s remaining fleet is now comprised of 132 CV90s.

Given that the initial contract placed by the Dutch in December 2004 for 184 vehicles was valued at €749 million ($931M at today’s exchange rate), a 113 million euros ($141M) acquisition looks like a pretty good deal for the Estonians. Especially given the fact that this agreement includes maintenance toolkits, training, spares, and even ammunition.

There’s a long history of used sales between the two countries that goes back to 2004 and includes the sale of XA-188 APCs in 2010. The Dutch also sold their remaining Leopard tanks to Finland in early 2014. (Incidentally Finland is also a CV90 user.)

Astute readers will note that 193-44=149, leaving 17 vehicles apparently unaccounted for. Defense correspondent and photographer Pieter Bastiaans external link tells us that Dutch CV90s were not used in Afghanistan, unlike those of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The country got 192 CV90s, with 8 assigned to training on top of 184 operational vehicles. So 132 IFVs + 8 training vehicles + 44 to Estonia leaves 8 or 9 vehicles that were presumably damaged beyond repair. M. Bastiaans also reports that of the remaining Dutch fleet of 132, 44 will be used for parts.

(kalah cepet) Estonia Acquires CV90 IFVs from Netherlands in Biggest Procurement Ever

The Stridsfordon 90 or Combat Vehicle 90 was developed in Sweden in the mid 1980s to meet operational requirements of the Swedish Army. Vehicle was co-developed by Bofors and Hagglunds, where Bofors was responsible for development of the turret, armament and final assembly, while the Hagglunds provided chassis and armored hull. Swedish Army placed its first order on the CV9040 IFV in 1991. Deliveries commenced in 1993. The CV 90 is currently in service with Sweden (509), Denmark (45), Finland (102), Netherlands (193), Norway (146) and Switzerland (186). It is worth mentioning that all export models of this infantry fighting vehicle are completed with a 30-mm cannon. Production of the CV90 continues. Over 1 000 vehicles were built to date. It has seen combat in Afghanistan.
The CV 90 has a welded steel armor hull. It is claimed that the front arc of the CV 90 withstands 30-mm armor-piercing rounds, used by the older Russian IFVs and ACVs. All-round protection is against 14.5-mm armor-piercing rounds. Latest versions of the CV90 withstand mine blasts equivalent to 10 kg of TNT. Appliqué ceramic armor can be added to later production models for all-round protection against 30-mm armor-piercing rounds and improved protection against improvised explosive devices. A slat armor can be fitted for protection against tandem-charge RPG rounds. Interior of the CV90 is lined with Kevlar liner to prevent spalling. Vehicle is also fitted with NBC protection system.
The main armament of the CV 90 IFV is a Bofors 40-mm cannon, which is a modified anti-aircraft gun, developed in the early 1950s. It is worth mentioning that this gun was a very successful design by the time of its introduction. Even now it can easily defeat pretty much all armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. It also poses threat to older tanks such as the T-55 and T-62. This 40-mm cannon is fed with a 24 round capacity the box magazines. Magazine is reloaded manually within 20 seconds. It is worth noting that first batch of vehicles for the Swedish Army had no main gun stabilization system. Export versions of the CV90 are armed with a 30-mm cannon. There is also a coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun and a 71-mm mortar.
This IFV was specially designed to minimize radar and infra-red signatures. It also uses heat-absorbing filters to provide protection against thermal imaging, image intensifiers and infra-red cameras. Vehicle also has quiet movement in order to improve stealth.
The CV 90 carries eight troops plus three crew members. Troops enter and leave the vehicle threw the rear doors and roof hatches. There are no firing ports provided for the crew in attempt to increase armored protection. Furthermore it is considered in Sweden that an IFV must transport troops only to the battlefield, where troops leave the vehicle and fight on foot.
The Combat Vehicle 90 is powered by a Scania DS14 diesel engine, developing 550 hp. Maximum road range on of first production vehicles was only 300 km. On later models it has been increased to 600 km.
This IFV is amphibious with preparation.

(kalah cepet) Estonia Acquires CV90 IFVs from Netherlands in Biggest Procurement Ever


CV9040 original variant, fitted with a 40-mm cannon. It is in service with Sweden;
CV9040B improved variant, fitted with a fully-stabilized cannon. In service with Sweden;
CV9040C uparmored variant, intended for peacekeeping operations. In service with Sweden;
CV9030 export variant, fitted with Bushmaster II 30-mm cannon. In service with Finland, Norway and Switzerland;
CV9035 export variant, fitted with Bushmaster III 30-mm cannon. In service with Denmark and the Netherlands;
CV90105 light tank, fitted with GIAT TML 105 turret, armed with 105-mm gun;
CV90105 light tank, fitted with CMI Defence XC-8 concept turret, armed with 105-mm gun;
CV90120-T light tank, fitted with 120-mm smoothbore gun;
LvKv 90 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, fitted with 40-mm gun. In service with Sweden;
Command vehicle;
Forward observation vehicle;
BgBv90 armored recovery vehicle. In service with Sweden;
AMOS mortar system;
CV9056 prototype fitted with additional BILL anti-tank missiles;
CV90 Armadillo heavy armored personnel carrier.

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