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Walikota London jadi salesmannya Indonesia (Jokowi)
Indonesia adores the Brits, so why aren’t we trading there?

Our businesses should take advantage of Jakarta’s enthusiasm for the UK's classic brands.

By Boris Johnson (Walikota London)

Here I am in Jakarta after an absence of a quarter of a century, and there are some mind-blowing things about the place. For starters, they all get up so early. The muezzin kicked off outside my hotel at 4.12am – and there was no going to sleep after that.

By 6am the sun was up, and so were tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Indonesians in the central precincts of the city. They were waving their arms mystically in unison, they were jiggling to rock music. There were stalls selling spicy food with peanut sauce and there were thousands of people milling gently around on bikes. How come? Because they have a weekly car-free day, every Sunday, from 6am to 11am. It is a wonderful thing to behold. It would be fantastic to do something like it in London.

The only question is: how we would persuade the Brits to get up so early? Jakarta has sprouted at incredible speed since I was last here – huge skyscrapers shooting up all over the place. Back in the early Nineties I went out to a Fellini-esque nightclub, at the urging of my younger brother – and I have a vague memory of cages full of writhing young women. These days the nightlife is apparently even more exciting; and now the place is a democracy.

I cycled down the heaving streets with the new President Joko Widodo – who was hailed on all sides by his adoring fans. “Jokowi” has rock star status, not least because he has been known to leap on to the stage himself, grab a guitar and start thrashing away like Jon Bon Jovi, but also because he is a man of the people: he amazed the political establishment by deciding to pay for his own air fare to Singapore to attend his son’s graduation from school – and flying economy.

It is extraordinary to think that this place was, until recently, a dictatorship; and then there is one more thing about Indonesia that really took my breath away. They like us. I mean us, the Brits. As we cycled down the main drag we passed two awnings decorated with huge Union flags, saying “London cycle taxis”. In fact, there are several shops that sell nothing but Union flag paraphernalia, and people wander around with Union flag hats and Union flag T-shirts – without having come within 10,000 miles of Britain.

We saw dozens of kids wearing Premier League football sweaters: Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United and so on. As I left the presidential palace a young chap came up to me and said: “I love your Royal family. God save the Queen!” They love the Beatles, sure; but they also love Coldplay and Adele, and modern British pop music is heard endlessly in their vast new shopping malls.

According to a recent survey of Indonesians, 69 per cent have positive feelings about the UK – interesting, when it is not at all obvious that 69 per cent of British people have positive feelings about Britain. Why do they like us? Search me, frankly. It may be that we are seen as a) not American and b) not Australian and c) the possessors of a pretty cool and groovy creative national brand.

At any rate, it is something good to build on. After all, Indonesia is a colossal market, and it’s going to be bigger. It is the powerhouse of the Asean countries, accounting for 40 per cent of the bloc’s economic might. The archipelago is vast – it stretches the same distance as London to Tehran. Indonesia has 242 million inhabitants, and will reach 280 million in the next 15 years, and economic growth has been ticking along at 6 per cent a year. According to the IMF, Indonesia will be the world’s fifth biggest economy by the year 2030. These are the consumers of the future – and they love British brands.

So you would expect British companies to be piling into the place, wouldn’t you? Which is why it is so disappointing to find that Indonesia is only the 46th biggest export market for British companies, and to find that Indonesian investment in Britain is minimal.

Yes, there are some heroic British firms that are out here – and going great guns. The malls are full of British retailers such as Marks & Spencer and Debenhams, and British oil companies, banks and insurers are also doing well.

But the country has a colossal need for new infrastructure, so you would have thought there was more of a market for British engineers and construction firms, for designers and consultants. One would have thought Indonesians would want more and more British luxury goods – from Range Rovers to Jermyn Street suitings.

What is holding us back? People have offered various suggestions. There is the perennial issue of bureaucracy and corruption. I talked to one British dynamo who imported hundreds of tons of potatoes all the way from Scotland – they have an increasing taste for chips – and he explained how the Indonesian phytosanitary inspectors had insisted on being flown all the way to Britain for two weeks, and hadn’t gone anywhere near the potato farm.

Well, if there is a problem with venal officials, then that is exactly the kind of problem that the Jokowi government is pledged to sort out. There is the complaint about lack of direct flights from London – and that will only be really resolved when we do what all the capitals in this region are doing, and build an airport that can cope with the needs of British business. There are complaints about the difficulty Indonesians have in getting visas to visit and study in Britain – and that certainly needs to be addressed.

But the final explanation I have been offered for these modest trade flows is the most disheartening – and one that I frankly refuse to accept. There are some who say that UK business just doesn’t have the same persistence as our rivals in Germany or America; that we have lost the buccaneering Stamford Raffles world view of our Victorian ancestors; that we are not prepared to take the long-term approach.

Can that be so? It is time to recognise that the world is mysteriously full of people who love all things British. We should help them buy British, too.


Spoiler for google translate:

Salut gua ama Jokowi. Walikota London dijadiin salesnya Indonesiaemoticon-2 Jempol
Diubah oleh leviscia 01-12-2014 11:23
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