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farhan43Avatar border
[HELP]Yang Jago Bahasa Inggris Masuk

neh gan soalnya :

isi titik titik di bawah ini dengan kata aktif atau pasif dan tense yang tepat

Think about all the sights and sound that.....(strike)our eyes and ears in a single day.then thin about the numbers of smells our noses ...(pick up),the number of different flavours our tounges taste and the many different things our fingers and hands touch. many scientis now believe that our brains record and keep every single impression..... (recieve) by our five sense throughout our lives, even when we may have not be noticing the things arround us. nothing could ever get losts. these impressins...(stroe) in a huge memory bank,just like a hard disk in in a computer but with millions of capacity. in fact it...(believe) that we use 25% of our total brain power. we only retrieve certain item, just as you might search in your computer directories to pick out a file that you want to use
but how we do .....(retrieve) items from our memory ban ? whick item are easy to retrieve and which stay untilsomething unexpected brings them to the surface? there is no simple answer for theese question. for start we tend to ....(remember) things better when the have an effect for some kind, just as mr lee remembered the pain and fear he experienced when he ....(punish) by his father. pleasant and unpleasant events are often ....(remember) for a long time. we may not remember our journey to the school this morning but we may have a clear memory of the same journey last week because we.....(see) an accident on the way. we might also rememver the journey if for some reason ...(go) by diffferent route .all the things we remeber strongly such as mr lee frightening experience...(help) to make us the kind of person we are. we proably be more careful with our parents possessins after such a punishment . on the other hand the kind of person we are has an effect on what we remember .if we are serious and concern about the worl we will..( remember)an important news item from the other side of the world. if we are interested in sports we will remember who ...(win) the last formula1 . if we admire film stars we will remember ....(mary) to whome and who just split up

itu gan teksnya kalo bisa sama penjelasannya ya gan emoticon-Big Grin
sory gan kalo berantakan trit pertama ane trus ane buatnya pake hp
buset dahhh pada nge cak kin ane emoticon-Hammer2
ane itu peringkat 1 karna hoki aja

btw thanks gan
ane mah kalo ngartin bisa gan kalo tense kaga
Diubah oleh farhan43 29-10-2014 12:48
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