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T - 64BM "Bulat", loss account is opened.

T-64BM "Bulat". Loss account is opened

July 22, 2014

According to the Ukrainian and Russian media, the evening of July 13 Ukrainian armed forces attempted to circumvent the Lugansk and break through to the troops surrounded in Luhansk airport. In the battle was thrown 1st Tank Brigade, armed with armored vehicles has several types. Among other machines it operates basic compound tanks T-64BM "Bulat", is the latest modification of the family. Fight July 13 was not only one of the first cases of combat use "Bulatov," but also opened the scoring their losses. According to some reports, this day has been destroyed three Ukrainian tanks, one of which - the T-64BM. In addition, Ukrainian troops lost several armored vehicles and cars.

Soon after the fighting on July 13 published the first pictures of their results. One of them was captured a burned tank with a number of characteristic features, allowing to define it as T-64BM "Bulat". This machine had not only to take part in the fighting, but also become the first tanks destroyed his model. Ukrainian tank was destroyed and burned near Lutugino the unrecognized Lugansk People's Republic.

T - 64BM "Bulat", loss account is opened.
T - 64BM "Bulat", loss account is opened.
photo http://andrei-bt.livejournal.com

Interesting is the reaction of some media to destroy the Ukrainian tank. As early as July 14 image burnt cars appeared in the photo galleries online publication "Segodnya.ua." In preparing this material Ukrainian tank "evolved" into a fighting machine Luhansk militia destroyed the Ukrainian Air Force.

Known for at least the first two photos of the destroyed tanks "Bulat". They are clearly visible damage to the exterior elements of the combat vehicle, which allow you to build your assumptions. Thus it is impossible to talk about anything with certainty, since accurate and validated data on the battlefield and how the destruction of the car is still missing.

In reviewing the available photos of the burnt T-64BM first catches the eye numerous damage to the exterior of the tank units, as well as numerous burn marks. Side skirts, additional protection of the tower and other elements of the machine noticeably deformed, smoke grenade launchers dented or torn from their seats. Furthermore, the housing is covered with soot. Best burn marks visible on the balance beam, fixed to the stern of the machine. Probably, during the battle the car lost speed, and then was shot by the adversary. This version says a torn left track.

Internal damage to the tank is unknown, but some things can be said about the serious injury of some units. The photo shows that the tank bottom almost fell to the ground, so slipped torsion bar suspension. Despite all the damage to the tank and its crew could stay alive, or at least, leave the damaged car. Crew hatches have been opened and, presumably, after that covered with soot.

Way to destroy the tank remained unknown. Probably, the projectile or missile hit the left side and therefore a leak is not in the published photographs. Hit of the fire could follow, so that the outer surface of the car received specific damage, and torsion bars failed to thermal stress and "sat down." However, the fire did not lead to the detonation of ammunition, and this fact can disprove the story of the penetration of the left side of the crew compartment.

In an alternative version, taking into account the strong erosion as other damages and destroyed a tank, you can consider the use of rocket artillery. Finally, the Ukrainian mass media could not be mistaken, and the tank was indeed destroyed by air strikes from the air. However, in this case, there are not very pleasant appropriate questions to the pilots Ukrainian Air Force.

Some questions can call a tow rope attached to one of the feed hooks burnt cars. This nuance can serve as the basis for yet another version: the tank was hit and lost the opportunity to continue the fight. After that, he tried to evacuate, but for some reason abandoned. Perhaps the reason for this was the beginning of the bombardment that destroyed the tank.

Anyway, the incident with the T-64BM "Bulat" under Lugansk confirms the obvious fact that any armored vehicle can be damaged or destroyed. However, some features of the project T-64BM, as well as "public relations campaign" in its time unfolded around him, gives an ambiguous view of the situation. The project "Bulat" was created in order to bring the characteristics of the family series of tanks T-64 to the level of the T-84U. To do this, in the course of repair and modernization of equipment received new engines, a new fire control system and sights, dynamic security protection, "knife" and a set of other equipment.

In numerous and not always objective comparison with other tanks Machine T-64BM regularly received good grades. Special commendation awarded protection system, in particular the dynamic defense "knife." Batch conversion of existing tanks in accordance with the new project started in 2004. Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was planning to upgrade to 400 tanks T-64, however, the limited financial resources made major reductions in the order. In 2004, a contract was signed to upgrade 85 series of tanks T-64. The first batch of 56 "Bulat" was assigned to the troops in 2008. By 2012 the number of these tanks had reached 76.

Since early July, began to appear reports of the use of the T-64BM in battles with the Lugansk and Donetsk "terrorists". On July 13, was destroyed by the first of the machines of this type. Actively participated in battles 1st Tank Brigade, the armed "Bulat", may indicate that the loss of this type of technology will continue. Further operation of this type of technology in a real conflict will help to understand its true potential and efficiency. Nevertheless, it is now clear that the effectiveness of the use of tanks of all models will be directly related to the level of crew training and command, and it leaves much to be desired.

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