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Jokowi merasa hebat pakai Drone? Di negeri lain, Drone hanya untuk ngantar Pizza Hut

Di Mumbai India, Drone dipakai untuk Mengantar Pesanan Pizza

Francesco's Pizza Mumbai, India sukses mengantarkan pizza pesanan seorang pelanggan yang kediamannya berjarak 1,5 kilometer dari toko tersebut.

MUMBAI, — Sebagian dari Anda pasti pernah memesan pizza untuk diantar ke kediaman masing-masing. Biasanya, di Jakarta, makanan asal Italia itu akan diantar menggunakan sepeda motor.

Nah, di Mumbai, India, Francesco's Pizzeria mencoba hal baru untuk layanan pengantaran pizza. Terinspirasi dari toko online raksasa Amazon, maka Francesco Pizza mencoba mengantarkan pizza menggunakan drone.

"Kami sukses melakukan uji coba mengirim satu kotak pizza ke seorang pelanggan yang berjarak 1,5 kilometer dari toko kami pada 11 Mei lalu," kata CEO Francesco's Pizzeria Mikhel Rajani kepada kantor berita Press Trust of India (PTI).

"Apa yang sudah kami lakukan akan menjadi hal biasa dalam empat atau lima tahun ke depan," tambah Rajani yang mengatakan bahwa tokonya menggunakan drone berbaling-baling empat dengan harga 2.000 dollar AS.

Sebagai bukti kesuksesan, Francesco's Pizzeria mengunggah rekaman video pengantaran pizza menggunakan drone ke YouTube.

Rajani yakin uji coba ini akan membuat layanan pengantaran lebih cepat dan murah ketimbang menggunakan sepeda motor seperti biasanya.

Ada sejumlah kendala, kata Rajani, misalnya baterai drone habis setelah beroperasi sejauh delapan kilometer dan adanya larangan menerbangkan sebuah benda dengan alasan keamanan.

Kepolisian Mumbai mengatakan, mereka akan meminta keterangan Francesco's Pizzeria karena mereka tidak dimintai izin terkait uji coba drone itu.

"Sesuai aturan ada izin untuk menerbangan sebuah benda. Kami sangat sensitif terhadap semua benda terbang yang dikendalikan dari jarak jauh," kata Komisaris Polisi Madhukar Pandey.


wuhhh...baca lagi ngebayangin nanti dmasa depan semua barang yg bisa dipesan pada terbang sliweran gitu di atas rumah dari pizza...nasi goreng....sate...rujak....koran...air galon...

kalo ditempat lain bentuk na kaya gini om

kalo yg ini buat ngankat yg lain om

ternyata ada yg versi imut na...kalo baca yg bikin bakalan baca kasih nama mutmut

ini yg paling keren


FAA OKs Commercial Drone Flights Over Land
By JOAN LOWY, Associated Press
Jun 10, 2014, 8:59 AM

WASHINGTON — The Federal Aviation
Administration said Tuesday it has granted
the first permission for commercial drone
flights over land, the latest effort by the
agency to show it is loosening restrictions on
commercial uses of the unmanned aircraft.

Drone maker AeroVironment of Monrovia,
California, and BP energy corporation have
been given permission to use a Puma drone to
survey pipelines, roads and equipment at
Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, the agency said. The
first flight took place on Sunday.

Made by AeroVironment, the Puma is a small,
hand-launched craft about 4 1/2 feet long
and with a 9-foot wingspan. It was initially
designed for military use.

Drones are often less expensive to operate
than manned aircraft and easier to maneuver.
Equipped with 3D cameras, the Puma will
provide images of hard-to-reach places not
currently available, BP and AeroVironment

AeroVironment CEO Tim Conver said the Puma
"is now helping BP manage its extensive
Prudhoe Bay field operations in a way that
enhances safety, protects the environment,
improves productivity and accomplishes
activities never before possible."

Last summer, the FAA had approved the
Puma and the ScanEagle made by Boeing
subsidiary Insitu Inc. of Bingen, Washington,
for flights over the Arctic Ocean to scout
icebergs, count whales and monitor drilling

"These surveys on Alaska's North Slope are
another important step toward broader
commercial use of unmanned aircraft," said
Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "The
technology is quickly changing, and the
opportunities are growing."

Last week, the FAA said it was considering
giving permission to seven filmmaking
companies to use drones for aerial
photography, a potentially significant step
that could lead to greater relaxation of the
agency's ban on commercial use of drones. So
far, the only exceptions to that ban have been
limited flights that have been approved over
the Arctic Ocean and now Alaska.

Congress directed the FAA to provide
commercial drones access to U.S. skies by
September 2015, but the agency's efforts to
write safety rules for such flights by drones
have been slow, and it is not expected to meeti
the deadline. FAA officials are on their third
attempt to draft regulations acceptable to the
Transportation Department and the White

Regulators have said they expect to propose
rules before the end of the year intended to
clear the way for flights by drones weighing
55 pounds or less. However, it will take
months and perhaps years before such
regulations become final.

Much of the commercial demand for
unmanned aircraft is for small drones, some of
which weigh only a few pounds. The FAA
estimates that within five years after
regulations are in place there will be about
7,500 commercial drones operating in the

Ben Gielow, general counsel for the
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems
International, a trade association for the
commercial drone industry, said the first
approval of commercial flights over land is
"an exciting moment," but "we believe more
can and must be done to allow for limited
operations for small (unmanned aircraft) over

FAA Administrator Michael Huerta has said
drafting such rules is complex because they
must ensure that the large volume and
diversity of manned aircraft in U.S. skies are
protected. Even a small drone that collides
with plane traveling at high speeds or gets
chewed up by helicopter rotors could cause a

But as the cost of small drones has come
down and their sophistication and usefulness
has increased, entrepreneurs and businesses
— from real estate agents to wedding video
makers — aren't waiting for government
permission. Drone industry officials have
warned that the longer the FAA takes to write
regulations, the more rogue commercial
operators will multiply.


Dikira drone itu mainan canggih, pakdhe Jok?

Diubah oleh jamil4h 23-06-2014 02:33
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