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tolongin ane traslet yang di bawha ini gan, soalnya ane cari dampak engatif BTS g ada yang bahasa indonesia. di blakang rumah ane mo di bikin BTS gan, ane jadi rada cemas karena ortu udah tua n mulai sakit2an ntar kenapa2 pula karena ada BTS itu. tolongin ane gan, biar ane print n kasi liat ama warga2 di tempat tinggal ane. makasih...

Bahaya Radiasi Tersembunyi Dari Menara Telepon Seluler
(Dangerous Radiation From Hidden Cell Phone Towers)
By Ted Twietmeyer

Most people are unware of the Radio Frequency (RF) radiation they are exposed to. Radiation is usually associated with radium, weapons, medical treatments, nuclear power plants and smoke detectors. Before we discuss covert cell towers and other numerous radiating antennas being installed with impunity, we should review the RF spectrum. This will be helpful in understanding how the radio spectrum affects us. We will not discuss HAARP, which is in itself a unique area of the radio spectrum in the shortwave band.
There are essentially TWO types of harmful radiation (not including light such as ultraviolet):
A. GOVT. CONTROLLED RADIOACTIVE SOURCES: Power plants, smoke detectors, medical treatment sources, etc...
B. UNCONTROLLED RF EXPOSURE: Radio Frequency devices of many types. The RD spectrum is regulated by the FCC in America, and other similar regulatory agencies that exist in other countries around the world through international radio agreements. Yet most of them appear to be very unconcerned about health effects.
We will concentrate on the latter in this esay - UNCONTROLLED RF EXPOSURE. RF signals are without a doubt an invisible form of pollution. Most people see a smokestack smoking and scream "OH ! Look at that pollution !" But as we will see, this is not really the most immediate, serious health hazard. What IS known about RF, is that unhealthy effects from it are related to an almost infinte combination of each of the five following factors:
1. FREQUENCY - Certain frequencies are absorbed in the body more than others. For example, the new riot control weapons the Pentagon have operates in the Super-High Frequency (SHF) region. This frequency is about 15 times higher than a conventional microwave oven. Although SHF is not absorbed into the skin, it boils perspiration on the skin causing pain.
2. DURATION - How long you are exposed to the radiation, or how long the transmitter is "on."
3. DISTANCE - How close you are to the antenna. Energy levels decrease with the square of the distance.
4. POWER LEVEL - What the strength of the signal is. This is measured in microwatts, milliwatts and watts. One microwatt is a millionth of a watt, One milliwatt is one-thousandth of a watt. For example, 1,000 milliwatts is one watt.
Cell phone power levels are often in the 100 milliwatt to 4 watt class. In the past, older bag type cell phones people carried around, were up near 4 watts of power. Getting a strong signal was no problem. Today's pocket cell phones are in the 100 milliwatt area. Reducing the power goes with size reduction and a smaller battery. This also reduces cell size, which actually is beneficial
as I'll explain latter.
5. SUSCEPTABILITY - Like tobacco smoke, you cannot tell if you will or will not become ill from RF exposure. But RF heating of body tissues and possible DNA alteration (mutation) happens to 100% of the people exposed to RF. The amount of heating is determined by a combination of the four factors above. The immune system is responsible for cleaning up mutant DNA. But can the immune system clean it out all the defective DNA and dead cells, and do this indefinitely ? Modern medical science knows there are limits to how much of an assault on the body the immune system can deal with.
For those familiar with radiation exposure hazards, the striking parallels to radioactivity are obvious here. RF Frequency is similar to the radiation type, like Alpha, Beta or Gamma. In fact, each of these particles move as a frequency above that of ultraviolet light, and are actually composed of high speed particles. Each of the particle types affects the human body and systems in different ways. RF power level is like the number of particles per second of a radioactive source. Both duration and distance also translate into the realm of radiation exposure.
We know that certain radioactive particles from Alpha particle emitters cause the most damage to lung cells when inhaled. Alpha particle ionizing radiation alters DNA in cells, and can create pre-cursor changes leading to cancer. Tissues and structures in the body that appear on scans and x-rays are sometimes diagnosed as a "pre-cancerous condition" by doctors. Older camping mantle lanterns were very radioactive, because they were made from the element thorium. (The author of this paper found such a radioactive mantle in an older propane lantern. It is believed that most of these are now off the market.)
The reason for discussing the above subject, is to show that anything which alters cellular DNA can be extremely unhealthy. And this is both nuclear radiation and RF. There are also chemical and effects from ultraviolet as well.
For our European friends, please note that all the frequencies referenced below are for the American and Canadian radio spectrum. The lowest frequencies are radio waves, that are actually the same as frequencies as the audio sound which comes out of your speakers. This called VLF, or Very Low Frequency. These waves have wavelengths measured in thousands of miles. They pass through the body without damage.
Commercial AM radio signals, use waves that are also quite long and pass through the body with relative ease. These are also waves, whose wavelengths are measured in hundreds of feet. Shortwave signals are also very long, and this part of the spectrum reaches up to a part of the miltary band, located below TV channel 2.
Decades ago, people could go to a doctor for aches and pains and be treated with a Diathermy machine. This machine was essentially a shortwave radio transmitter, and operated with a curved antenna that fits the human body. When placed against the skin, the antenna radiated energy that was absorbed deep in the body's tissues. A sufficient power level of RF energy will cause currents of electricity to flow in these tissues, thereby creating warmth. These machines are probably outlawed by now and died a quiet death in America. RF energy causes molecules to collide with one another creating heat. This occurs in tisuues like muscles, as well as blood.
FM stations (located in the radio band near TV channel 6) and over the air television channels 2 through 13 are all in the VHF band. These signals can also pass through the human body without harm. These waves are measured in several feet.
When you look at any TV antenna, multiply the width of the antenna by four, and that will be the wavelength of the wave from the TV transmitter. Hence the term 1/4 wavelength, which is a design rule for most antennas.
Television channels 14 through 83 are in the UHF region. Channel 83 is actually just below analog cell phone frequencies. Progammable police scanners scan police channels that are very close to cell phone frequencies.

In England, angry mobs of people have torn down these gas station signs (like the one shown above) they learned to have cell antennas inside. When they asked workmen installing an antenna, "what are you doing ?" the answer was "you don't want to know." There are news stories in the past, of people that loosen bolts at night and bring down such towers. In America, antenna arrays are very often hidden in plain, white tapered church steeples in suburban areas. A custom built, modernized fiberglass copy of the original wooden church steeple is lowered into place with a crane, complete with antennas already inside. Cell equipment is also hidden from public view. But the radiation is still there.
Micro-cell anternnas are designed to serve a small cell area. These antennas are not 100 feet or more high like common cell towers in America, but often just 10 to 20 feet above the ground. However, these antennas also radiate microwave RF energy closer to people, too. Someone could stand or work beside such an antenna and not realize the effect it may have on them. Many are hidden in church steeple replacements, including Big-Ben-like structures, complete with working clocks on each of the four faces.
Workmen installing a near ground level antenna inside a sign (like the Shell station sign shown above) have people ask "what are you doing ?" The answer they heard was "you don't want to know." There are numerous UK news stories of people that loosen bolts and bring down such towers. In America, antenna arrays are very often hidden plain, white tapered churc steeples in suburban areas. Just out of reach for the public. [3]
In general, all of us MUST keep in mind that the human body is an electrical system. It will be, and is affected by, outside RF energy fields that can promote unwanted nerve stimulation, cancer, heating effects, and many other unwanted effects.
A comparison table for telephone effective radiation head exposure has been developed to provide reference values. [4] This value varies considerably for dozens of different cell phone models tested. DNA breakdown is among the most disturbing findings of studies done, which can lead to illness and tumors. There are now new links to brain cancer being uncovered as you read this. There is new concern over those that wear cell phones on their belts, because of the close proximity of the antenna to kidneys. The liver which can rebuild itself to some degree after being damaged, but your kidneys cannot.
One notices that RF exposure studies in the media from Europe are much more common and considerably more vocal than those done in America. Publishing negative study results in North America will have a negative effect on the billion dollar market, and subsequently affect stock in cell phone companies. Cell companies have managed to keep the lid nailed shut on the box, in so far as mainstream media are concerned, but this can only last for so long. I personally was not convinced of the damage potential of low level RF radiation for more than 20 years. That is, until reading a number of test results, all saying very much the same thing
about observed detrimental effects on living organisms.
At least one such study [5] on health effects was done in Australia. Note the usual scientific cautiousness expressed here, even though other studies have linked RF exposure to tumor growth. Its interesting to note the scientist's other comments, that thermal temperature can increase the negative effects of RF exposure:

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