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Dead teenager 'had told police he was pressured into sex with celebrity'
Ben Cowburn, who died in 2010, told officers he felt disgusted by what he and unnamed man had done, inquest hears

A teenager told police he had made more than 40 attempts to take his life after being pressured into doing "sexual things" with an unnamed male television celebrity, an inquest has heard.

Ben Cowburn, 18, who was found dead in a mental health unit, claimed the man had bought him presents and taken him to nice places but he felt disgusted by what they had allegedly done together.

The jury hearing the teenager's inquest was also told that in one entry found in his journals, Cowburn wrote he had made 15 attempts to end his life in 48 hours. Some of the entries were written in his own blood after he had self-harmed.

The coroner, Emma Carlyon, has ordered that the celebrity at the centre of the allegations be referred to as Mr X during the inquest at Truro in Cornwall.

On Tuesday Detective Constable Joanna Sodergren described how the teenager was found walking in the middle of a busy road near his home in Cornwall a month before his death. He told officers it was at least his 43rd attempt to take his own life.

Sodergren told the inquest: "He spoke about being hurt by a couple of men in London which had lasted five months until he left. He was disgusted and he wanted to push it out of his mind."

Cowburn said he was not able to end his life because "he wouldn't let me". When asked who the "he" was, the teenager said he did not want to say as he was on television and in magazines.

The inquest has already been told that Cowburn, a fashion college graduate, met the celebrity in a pub and began working as his stylist.

Sodergren added: "He said the man had brought him nice things and took him to nice places but had done sexual things to him. Asked if he had been raped or sexually assaulted he said he had not but agreed to them as he felt pressured to do the things. He said if he killed himself it would make it better as it would make it go away."

The detective said when was being driven away from the road where he was found officers heard Cowburn rapping and mentioning the celebrity's name.

After Cowburn was found dead at Longreach House mental health unit near Redruth in Cornwall in December 2010, local police informed Scotland Yard about his allegations. The star has not been arrested or questioned over Cowburn's allegations and has not been called to give evidence to the inquest.

Carlyon asked Sodergren if she was satisfied with the way the Met had dealt with the investigation. The coroner asked: "Are you satisfied Ben was not subjected to criminal, forced or persuaded sexual activity?"

Sodergren replied: "I cannot comment on the Met's investigation. We contacted them because of Ben's disclosure. The Metropolitan police completed an investigation."

It has been claimed during the inquest that repeated instances of self-harm and apparent suicide attempts should have triggered a review of Cowburn's care.

Some media organisations and others have expressed concern that Mr X has not been named. The Tory MP Priti Patel has said "basic" facts ought to be allowed into the public domain.

The inquest continues.


kasihan.... RIP
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