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Su 34 Rossiya
Su-34 adopted by the Russian Air Force
Today, 08:21

Su 34 Rossiya

March 20 was an important event for the domestic Air Force. After years of development and testing has been adopted bomber Su-34. Planes of this type for several years now commercially built and delivered to the troops, but no formal acceptance into service of new equipment took place only a few days ago. Over the next few years, the new Su-34 should be the main Russian Air Force bombers, gradually replacing an aging technique of Su-24.

Since the beginning of the last decade, the Su-34 passed various testing stages. In 2007, the Department of Defense adopted a new technique in trial operation. In 2008, the first contract was signed for the supply of 32 aircraft. At the same time continued the second phase of the state tests. Finally, in the autumn of 2011 was signed certificate of completion of state tests, in which front-line bomber Su-34 was recommended to the adoption. The corresponding decree appeared in March 2014.

Before the new aircraft was put into service, the air force Russia managed to get a significant amount of this technique. So, in 2013 the Novosibirsk aircraft plant them. VP Chkalov put the customer 14 bombers and brought the total number of aircraft sent to 40 units. Plan for the current year 2014 includes the delivery of 16 machines. Last year ended with the execution of the first contract for the supply of new bombers. Currently, the Su-34 are constructed in accordance with another agreement signed in 2010. This order involves the supply of 92 aircraft of the new model. Thus, the result of two contracts to build 124 bombers Su-34. In what is supposed to continue the construction of the new technology and bring it to the number of troops up to 200 units.

A few years before the formal adoption of the arms bomber Su-34 began his military career. The first case of the participation of these aircraft in armed conflict refers to the fighting in August 2008. According to reports, several Su-34 performed the tasks jamming Georgian air defense systems. Later, there were reports, according to which one of the Russian Su-34 destroyed Georgian radar, but evidence for this was not.

Last spring, the magazine Air International spoke about other cases of combat employment of Su-34 bombers. According to the publication, in 2012, the new Russian planes were used to attack places clusters of militants in Dagestan and Ingushetia. Details of these transactions were not disclosed, but sources in Air International magazine Russian Defense Ministry noted that the use of new techniques allowed us to obtain "generally good" results, high enough for the operation to destroy targets in mountainous terrain covered with forest.

For several reasons, the Su-34 was a real "protracted." First work on advanced attack aircraft based on the Su-27 started in the early eighties under the designation T-10S. Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers to develop a new attack aircraft appeared in June 1986. Development ideas bomber T-10S has led to a gradual change in a number of important technical features of his appearance. As a result, this has led to a proposal to develop aircraft with new ideas in the field layout units. So there was a project T-10B.

Technical project was prepared in the late eighties, and in 1989-90 at MMZ them. PO Dry in Moscow gathered the first prototype of the new aircraft. Machine with the designation T-10V-1 is based on the modified glider Su-27UB and equipped with original double armored cabin. April 13, 1990 test pilot AA Ivanov first raised new aircraft into the air. Over the next few years continued testing and refinement prospective bomber. In February 1992, the first prototype of the first to show the heads of CIS countries.

In late 1993, the first flight of the prototype pre-production T-10B-2, and a year rose in the sky the first plane of an experimental batch of T-10B-5. It was assumed that in the next few years, aircraft building enterprises involved in the project, build a pilot series of 12 aircraft, but the difficult economic situation in the country forced to adjust those plans. Instead of the planned dozen aircraft for nine years managed to build only four, including one prototype with a complete set of avionics. In 1995, one of the prototypes of the T-10B was shown at Le Bourget under the new name of the Su-32FN.

In the first half of the two thousandth's perspective bomber again changed its name. In late 2006, the first pre-production Su-34 were transferred to the Air Force. Thus began a regular supply of new types of equipment to the troops. As already mentioned, to date, the Air Force has 40 Su-34.

Su 34 Rossiya

Bomber T-10V/Su-34 created taking into account developments on previous projects T-10/Su-27 family that affected his form. The plane is made by the normal aerodynamic configuration with swept wings, two keels and tselnopovorotnym front and tail horizontal tail. In comparison with other aircraft of the Su-27 bomber Su-34 has a larger cockpit and fuselage of another form due to the specificity of the crew accommodation and avionics.

A characteristic feature of the Su-34 bomber has become a relatively large forward fuselage with cabin. Cabin with two jobs pilots arranged side by side, protected by titanium armor. Cabin measurements allow pilots if necessary to get up to full height and warm up. In addition, in the cockpit are sanitary facilities and equipment for the transportation and heating food. All these measures significantly increase the performance of the crew during long flights.

The composition of the sighting and navigation system of the Su-34 includes multifunction radar with phased array V004, infrared direction finder, laser range finder and camera. It is noteworthy that a special form of radar antenna affected the contours of the forward fuselage of the Su-34 and, as a consequence, has led to a nickname of the aircraft - the troops it is often called "duck." All the necessary information about the parameters of flight route, etc. to processed onboard digital computer and displayed on a color multifunction displays in the cockpit.

The Su-34 equipped with two bypass turbojet engines AL-31F afterburning thrust of 12,500 kgf. Normal takeoff weight bomber approximately equal 38.2 tons, maximum - 44.3 With such characteristics that the Su-34 is capable of speeds at altitudes up to 1900 km / h When flying near the ground with arms on external sling limited top speed of 1,100 km / h Combat radius with the use of external fuel tanks greater than 1100 kilometers without PTB - about 600 km.

Su 34 Rossiya

Normal combat load bomber Su-34 is equal to 4000 kg, maximum weight of arms - 8 tons. The aircraft has a built-in automatic gun GSH-301 machine gun with 150 rounds, and 8 hardpoints under the wing and four under the fuselage. Depending on the combat mission bomber may use different types of ammunition. You can use rockets of various calibers that are suspended in blocks and one or unguided bombs caliber up to 500 kg. Moreover, the Su-34 can carry and use bombs KAB-500 and KAB-1500, as well as guided missiles "air-surface" of various types. For self-defense aircraft can use guided missiles "air-" R-27, R-73 or R-77. To fulfill the tasks of the Navy Su-34 can carry containers with beacons. If necessary, the aircraft can be equipped with three external fuel tanks 3000 liters each.

By the end of the current decade, the Air Force should get all the ordered aircraft Su-34, which will significantly upgrade its frontline strike aircraft. Over time, the new bomber to replace the existing Su-24, a resource which is coming to an end. Thus, even after 8-10 years of Su-34 will be the main attack aircraft in the Russian Air Force.

Su 34 Rossiya

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