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[RENTAL NEWS] Stok F-16 USA melimpah, Korsel niat sewa
S. Korea considers F-16 lease deal to replace aging jets

[RENTAL NEWS] Stok F-16 USA melimpah, Korsel niat sewa

SEOUL, March 26 (Yonhap) -- South Korea is considering leasing second-hand F-16 fighter jets from the United States to fill a potential vacuum in its air power from delays in aircraft acquisition and development, a senior Air Force official here said Wednesday.

Seoul recently confirmed a plan to buy 40 F-35s by Lockheed Martin from 2018-21, scaling down from the initial program for 60 advanced combat aircraft, while pushing to develop midlevel fighter jets with a goal of deploying them between 2023 and 2025.

The move, however, falls short of replacing the aging fleet of 160 F-4s and F-5s, which are expected to be phased out in the next five years.

By 2019, about 60 FA-50 light fighter jets and the early batch of F-35s will be added to the existing fleet, which leaves about 80 jets falling short of the appropriate number of jets, according to the state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA).

"The Air Force is considering leasing used combat jets as part of ways to provide the interim defense capability because replacement of aging F-4s and F-5s wouldn't take place in a timely manner," a senior Air Force official said, asking for anonymity. "As midlevel combat jets are mostly in shortage, the Air Force is considering renting 16 to 20 used F-16s from the U.S. Air Force."

The lease deal is considered one of ways to save time and money for deployment compared with the acquisition plan. South Korean pilots used U.S. Air Force's T-38 trainer jets for more than 10 years when the T-50 indigenous trainer development program was behind schedule.

It is also considered a viable option because the U.S. Air Force reduced pilot training hours due to a recent defense budget cut.

"The U.S. Air Force stood down some F-16s in the wake of the defense spending cut affected by the sequestration," another Air Force official said, asking not to be named. "Under current circumstances, we can rent F-16s or buy used ones."

Some officials remained skeptical about having a lease contract for fighter jets, the key military asset in times of war.

"It is very rare that a country leases fighter jets from another, while trainers, which are used for pilot training during peace time, can be leased," a senior military official said, noting potential risk of rising price in a conflict situation.


Efek dari pemotongan military spending mamarika, F-16 banyak nganggur, dan berniat di rental Kroya.......... apakah TNI-AU berniat nambah pesawat odong-odong ini? emoticon-Kiss (S)
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